How 1 Business Is Fighting the Pink Tax

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Ax the Pink Tax

While some companies are continuing to charge women more for everyday products and services than men, aka the Pink Tax, there are other businesses out there that are fighting for justice in the face of this inequality. European Wax Center proved it was one of the latter when it started the Ax the Pink Tax campaign, which pushes to create awareness around gender-based price inequality. For the entire month of April, European Wax Center is dedicating its efforts to educate people about how the average woman pays an extra $1,351 every year just for being a woman. It is also encouraging people to spread the word to their families, friends, and followers by posting proof of the price differences they see on social media to bring awareness to the cause.

Learn more about the Pink Tax and how you can get involved to end gender-based price inequality by checking out the Ax the Pink Tax website.