Hillary Clinton Tore Trump Apart in a Room Full of Women — Without Even Using His Name

Getty | Justin Sullivan

She isn't done dragging him yet. On March 28, Hillary Clinton spoke at the Professional Business Women Conference in San Francisco, CA. While she championed women's and girls' rights, she also spent time criticizing Donald Trump and his administration — without saying his name once. "There is no place I'd rather be than here — other than the White House," she said to laughs from the audience of almost 6,000 people. Check out some more highlights ahead.

On Trump's administration

"Women's representation in the current administration in Washington is the lowest it's been in a generation."

"Too many women, especially women of color, have a lifetime of practice taking these indignities with pride," she said about Sean Spicer "patronizing" reporter April Ryan during the White House press briefing, as well Bill O'Reilly criticizing Rep. Maxine Waters for her hair.

"How can they not have women at the table?" she said about the now-infamous photos showing only male politicians making decisions about women's health.

"Where some may see a future of carnage in this country, I see a shining light for creative change," she said about Trump's speeches that paint America in a dark light.

"I delighted at every sign I saw quoting my speech saying 'Women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights,'" she said about the Women's March.

When the GOP healthcare plan failed, "it was a victory for all Americans," she said, adding that it was a major sign the resistance is working.

On practicing activism under Trump

"Let me let you in on a little secret — the other side never quits . . . we will need to fight back twice as hard."

"We need to reset the table so women are no longer required to accept or adapt to discrimination or sexism at work."

"As I think about the outpouring of activism, I think about 4 words: resist, insist, persist, enlist."

"We need to resist bias and bullying, hate, and fear."

"We need to insist on putting people first . . . including making health care more affordable, creating upwardly mobile education and employment ladders."

"We need to persist, as we saw so dramatically in the Senate when Mitch McConnell went after Elizabeth Warren and said she could not read a letter from Coretta Scott King."

"We need to enlist. Enlist in this effort, get in the arena. . . . That can mean many things . . . running for office, starting a business, championing women and girls, mentoring, standing up and speaking out . . . there's something for everybody here."

"Sure, the last few months haven't been exactly as I envisioned. But I still know what I'm fighting for. I'm fighting for a fairer, big-hearted, inclusive America."

"And the unfinished business of the 21st century can't wait any longer. . . . Now is the time to demand the progress we want to see and make it real in our own lives . . . in the government and the world . . . and I'll be there with you every step of the way."

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