A Republican Just Burned Donald Trump by Giving Him a Nickname That's Going Viral

Usually Donald Trump is the one creating nicknames for his rivals, but someone else has given him one that's just as popular. Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough called Trump "Amnesty Don" repeatedly on his show, referring to Trump's changing position on immigration, and many people are loving it.

.@JoeNBC: Nobody in #AmnestyDon's own campaign can tell you what #AmnestyDon's position is on immigration https://t.co/3ElGN4x0E0

— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) August 29, 2016

Scarborough, a Republican and former US representative for Florida, criticized Trump for previously saying he would deport all the undocumented immigrants in the country and more recently saying he was open to softening his plan since it would be challenging to remove them all.

Soon after, #AmnestyDon became a trending topic on Twitter:

#AmnestyDon is the #1 trending topic on Twitter right now. pic.twitter.com/hLWyXvNNsj

— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) August 29, 2016

New hat for you @BrettFrankel #AmnestyDon pic.twitter.com/ErwhXcFXQU

— Adam Frankel (@adam_frankel) August 29, 2016

@realDonaldTrump #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon #AmnestyDon

— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) August 29, 2016

What makes the hashtag #AmnestyDon extra special is that it was started by a Republican. @Morning_Joe

— PoliticalGroove (@PoliticalGroove) August 29, 2016

This is @realDonaldTrump when he realizes #AmnestyDon is trending pic.twitter.com/7AerrBgLAB

— Original Pirate (@Real_op) August 29, 2016

The GOP nominee is expected to give a speech on Wednesday about his immigration proposals.

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