Is Mike Pence Trying to Be Removed From Trump's Ticket?

Getty | Steve Pope

While discussing his stance on Syria during the second presidential debate, Donald Trump said he disagreed with his running mate, Mike Pence. Coupled with Pence's distancing himself from Trump in the wake of his leaked lewd commentary about women, could there be trouble with the Republican ticket?

Donald Trump discusses humanitarian crisis in Syria: Mike Pence and I "haven't spoken, and I disagree" #debate

— CNN (@CNN) October 10, 2016

Trump's onstage comments are troubling because he is vocally disagreeing with his running mate's policy on Syria, suggesting there's a fundamental breakdown in their partnership.

Rumors were abuzz on Twitter that Pence wanted to drop out. Here's what people were saying.

Major rumors swirling in real time, right now that @mike_pence has asked 2 be removed from the Presidential ticket. Historic Wow. #debate

— Steve Clemons (@SCClemons) October 10, 2016

Breaking: @gop advisor says @mike_pence has "asked to be removed from Presidential ticket." #trumptapes #cnnsotu @jaketapper @KeepAmerGr8

— Scott Dworkin (@funder) October 9, 2016

Note 2 Gov @mike_pence Rumors emerging that you have asked to leave tkt. Is this true? Are you stepping down from the Trump tkt? #Debate

— Steve Clemons (@SCClemons) October 10, 2016

Considering 57 Republican members of Congress and governors have renounced their support for Trump, aligning with him could soon be the political equivalent of wearing a scarlet letter.

Pence, apparently unfazed by Trump's brazen disagreement with him, sent this tweet after the debate. It is worth noting that his tweet could have been scheduled, since he was otherwise quiet during the debate.

Congrats to my running mate @realDonaldTrump on a big debate win! Proud to stand with you as we #MAGA.

— Mike Pence (@mike_pence) October 10, 2016

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