The UN Is Investigating Excessive Force in North Dakota and 4 Other Stories to Know Nov. 28


  • When the United Nations steps in, you know there's a problem. Following reports of potential human rights abuses against protesters, a UN official arrived at Standing Rock on Sunday evening in North Dakota. The official, along with a journalist from The Guardian, investigated claims of excessive force and the use of water cannons in subfreezing temperatures by the police. After hearing interviews with demonstrators, the UN official will meet with Sioux tribe members to hear testimony about their treatment in police custody.
  • In concerning news, one suspect is dead following an attack at Ohio State University on Monday morning. CNN reports that an unidentified assailant drove a car onto a crowded street corner on the campus, exited the car, and attacked onlookers with a butcher knife before being shot by police. There are currently no reported casualties, but 10 people went to the hospital; at least one victim is in critical condition.
  • Watch out, Harry Potter fans. Disney's newest princess and film, Moana, rocked the Thanksgiving box office over the weekend. Raking in a little over $81 million in American ticket sales, Moana beat out Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them for the top spot.
  • Well, this is bizarre. A Japanese theme park purposely froze roughly 5,000 fish and sea animals under an ice skating rink, and people were understandably outraged. On social media, users condemned the Space World rink for having no concern for life. Following the backlash, the "Freezing Port" exhibition was canceled.
  • It's not even Christmas and people are already spending billions across the nation. This Cyber Monday is expected to shatter sales records as Adobe, which tracks online retail sales, has predicted that online shoppers will spend $3.36 billion — up almost 10 percent from last year's sales.
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