How to Host a Host’s Night Off This Season

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Villa Maria Wines

Ever felt the holiday hosting pressure? You know, the whole multi-course dinner, fancy appetizers, and dressing-to-impress routine? While we clean up exceptionally well, thank you very much, we think it's time for a night off. Imagine a cozy night where you can kick back, relax, and actually enjoy your own party without the stress. Heaven, right?

Holiday get-togethers don't have to be grand affairs with white tablecloths and custom cocktails. All you really need is some wine (we love Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc) and your favorite people. You don't need extravagant dinners or elaborate tablescapes to have a night to remember. Savoring a glass of exceptional wine with your favorite people will take care of that. Here's how to pull off a low-effort, high-reward get-together that gives everyone a night off from an elaborate party — while still having a great time.

Villa Maria Wines

Simplify the Set-Up

The key to making things as easy as possible? Keep the prep work simple and set everything out so all you have to do to get the party started is open the door. Throw a few bottles of Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc in the fridge to chill. This world-class wine from New Zealand has notes of ripe citrus and tropical fruits like passionfruit and pineapple, it's sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Plus, the bottles come with screwtops, so you don't have to wrestle with corks. Set out a pitcher of water (with a bit of lemon juice and mint, if you want to be fancy), some of your favorite glasses, and hassle-free snacks like chips and dip. A charcuterie board is another easy yet elevated grazing option. For a snack-sized portion for four people, select three of your favorite cheese, one type of cured meat or pickled vegetable, and one sauce like fig jam or wholegrain mustard. The fact that Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc pairs beautifully with almost any cheese is an added bonus.

Create a Cozy Ambiance

It's time to set the mood. It's the holidays, after all — it's time for some cozy, cold-weather comfort. This get-together is all about unwinding, catching up, and not stressing about the details. Light some scented candles — the more festive, the better — and scatter blankets and throw pillows everywhere. Think a blanket fort, but for adults. And to keep the pressure off, let everyone know beforehand that comfy outfits like oversized sweaters and leggings aren't just allowed — they're encouraged. As for activities, find your favorite board games or card games that keep everyone engaged without you having to supervise. Depending on your energy levels, and what holidays you celebrate, feel free to decorate your heart out. Candles and blankets are more than enough (this is a night off after all!) but if you want to string up some lights or hang a garland, we won't judge.

Don't Overthink It

When your friends arrive, have them make themselves at home. Rather than DJing, create a collaborative playlist and invite all of your friends to queue up their favorite songs. Resist the urge to play the host and top up glasses or refill snacks. It'll ruin the whole point of the night! You've already set everything out, so let your guests help themselves. Hosting a stress-free, fun-filled gathering is totally doable. So cheers to the holidays with delicious Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc and relaxing, wind-down nights with friends. Keep it simple, keep it stress-free, and focus on what really matters — enjoying the moment with your favorite people.