8 Types of Houseguests and the Messes They Leave Behind

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Whether you're hosting your parents or your old roommate, houseguests always leave a mess. We partnered with the makers of OxiClean for smart tips on how to clean up after they're gone.

It's so wonderful to visit with loved ones, but when they're also staying with you, things can get a bit challenging. Along with welcoming someone into your space, you end up changing your routines and schedule to accommodate your guests — which is enough to drive anyone just a bit crazy. And, surprisingly, sometimes the best visitors are the ones who leave the biggest messes! Here are eight types of houseguests you may encounter, along with a few tips for cleaning up once they're gone. Source: Shutterstock


Your Parents

OK, you love your parents and they definitely love you, but when you're hosting them for an extended stay, you might find things are a little different than when you lived at home. First, it's your space now, and as much as your parents want to chill out and enjoy, chances are they probably won't. And the mess they leave is a bit different from other guests, mostly erring on the side of helpfully problematic clutter. Like discovering your mom has somehow rearranged your kitchen or finding tools in random spots from your dad doing at-home fixes. They're just trying to make your life easier, so try to laugh it off.


The Pet-Lover

You said it was fine for this old friend to visit for a couple of days but didn't know he came with a pet. You can't deny an adorable fuzz ball, right? Offer to take that pooch for lots of walks to hopefully prevent any accidents, and cover the ends of your couch with throw blankets to prevent any kitty scratches. Once your guests depart, give your carpet a deep cleaning, and spot-treat with a versatile cleaner like OxiClean.


The Sleeper

Everyone has encountered this houseguest. No matter how much noise you make, this visitor seems to sleep — and sleep, and sleep, and sleep — through anything. And upon emerging from the guest room, she's slow to get moving. Expect some seriously drooled-on sheets that need a deep cleaning after departure, and you might want to wash those pillows, too.


The Night Owl

This friend just doesn't sleep and is often heard rustling around in the wee hours of the night — and isn't afraid of doing a bit of fridge raiding.You'll probably discover a few stains on your kitchen counters in the early-morning sunlight along with some dribbles of random items along the floor. Stash paper towels or cleaning wipes close to the fridge for easy spill cleanup.


Your College Roommate

OK, you lived with her once, but no matter how many years have passed, she's still a force to be reckoned with. Whether it's her first time at your place or she's a regular, be ready for your space to be taken over. She's totally comfortable moving your furniture around and leaving dirty dishes in the sink. After she departs, you'll probably need to do some serious scrubbing, especially in the bathroom, thanks to the remaining smudges from her beauty products. But it's worth it after getting to spend quality time with your old roomie.


The Runner

She's either super into that morning run, loves to do yoga, or can't make it through the day without hitting the gym. The result? Some serious sweatiness sitting on your sofa along with stinky shoes lingering near your front door. Offer lots of clean towels (which might encourage showers) and suggest taking shoes off before coming indoors. Once your guest vacates, do a bit of disinfecting and also scrub down your couch.


The Houseguest Who Invites Everyone Over

This houseguest is used to being the host to everyone, so when he's staying with you, nothing changes. It's kind of like a nightmare, but if you aren't comfortable setting ground rules, you might as well kick back and enjoy the fun. Empty the garbages in your space once they are full and stash cleaning wipes in the bathroom and kitchen, but expect to do a bit of damage control after the visit.


The Sad Friend

She just went through a breakup and needs a spot to just get herself together for a couple of nights. While consoling your good friend, you'll probably find some candy wrappers and buttery popcorn tidbits hidden in the couch from late-night snacking and chocolate bingeing. There may be a few wine spills (oops!) – nothing a versatile cleaner won’t get out. Protect your space with layers of blankets, which add to the coziness — and they can be tossed in the wash once she's gone. Send her on her way with a big motivational hug, and then relax while watching something other than a tearjerker.


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