This Awkward Ad For Boob-Sweat Wipes Will Give You Secondhand Embarrassment

Nov 1 2015 - 10:00am

A recently launched body care line, Goodwipes, just released a video campaign promoting its deodorizing, pH balanced, and biodegradable body wipes . . . for boob sweat. The video stars comedian Lace Larrabee, who navigates through various sweaty scenarios with over-the-top and purposefully canned commentary: "Oil and boob sweat aren't choices you make. They just build up over the day, like the hatred for your co-worker who insists on having lunch outside in August."

While the video did make us chuckle at a few moments, it also made us cringe. The unrelenting focus on boob sweat feels a tad unnecessary — especially when the wipes [1] can really be used to freshen up [2] any area. It then becomes apparent that Goodwipes is founded by two men, Sam Nebel and Charlie Siciak, who perhaps aren't addressing this very real hygienic issue [3] with the right tone. For example, their website refers to feminine hygiene wipes as, simply, wipes for "down there." [4]

Are we reading too much into this harmless viral video, or is there something really awkward about it?

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