Fake a Flawless Hairline With This Unusual Beauty Hack

May 8 2016 - 11:00am
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Re-creating Kim Kardashian's beauty routine [3] is not cheap. In fact, you'd have to spend over $1,000 to purchase the products that her go-to makeup artist, Mario Dedivanovic, uses on her in a single glam session. Factor in the cost of past beautifying procedures, and your bank account will be crying for mercy.

You might recall that Kim lasered away her baby hairs [4] years ago in search of that crisp, clean line. She recently admitted that she regrets her decision to zap all those feathery strands. However, Instagram user makeupholic_moon [5] shared an easy way to copy Kim's flawless hairline at home — without the expense or pain.

The key is using painter's tape as a template (like you might use for a perfect lipstick application [6]), then slicking on Wunderbrow [7] ($22) where your mane is a little sparse. Once you remove the tape, you'll see a defined hairline like Kim's.

Many women, including Khloé Kardashian, use eye shadow [8] to fill in patches on the scalp. But sweat just a little, and that powdery pigment can smear off. Wunderbrow's fiber-packed gel formula can be worn for days. The end result is a bit extreme (and would be best for photo shoots!), but we see no harm in copying Kim's look — especially for a fraction of the price.

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