This Reflective Lips Trend Turns Your Mouth Into a Mirror

Dec 23 2017 - 4:05am

Time to bust out that polyester and rewatch Star Wars, because the 1970s are back, baby, and beauty trends are getting funky. From bouncy curls and shags [1] to metallic everything [2], the fabulous decade is being emulated in every way makeup enthusiasts can imagine. Lately, we've noticed that people are straight up turning their lips into disco balls — and we are living, nay, stayin' alive for it.

We first noticed the look on Jazmina Daniel, who wrote on Instagram [3] that she was inspired to jump on the mirror train after receiving a package that included silver reflective paper. According to Daniel, "I cut it out to the shape of my lips and glued it on with some lash glue."

This tin foil-esque look is a cool departure from the gold lamé [4] we've been seeing and loving on beauty junkies this Fall. Plus, reflective lips turn you into a walking, talking mirror compact that your friends will appreciate anytime they need a touch-up (or have kale stuck in their teeth).

Read on for our favorite reflective lip art.

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