Kim Kardashian May Have Had an Encounter With a Ghost: "I Am Freaking Out"


Not everyone believes in ghosts, but there are actually quite a few celebrities who have told tales about their strange interactions with the paranormal. Their tales range from the spine-chilling to the heartwarming — and after reading through them all, even if you're a stone-cold skeptic, you might just find yourself wondering if there's a grain of truth to them.

From Kim Kardashian catching a ghost in one of her mirror selfies and Cher's friendly encounter with her ex-husband's spirit to Miley Cyrus's truly terrifying brush with a spooky stranger, celebrity ghost tales range from the funny to the creepy.

Octavia Spencer has said that she has a protective ghost living in her house, while Demi Lovato said she once sang to a ghost who she empathized with. Meanwhile, Helena Bonham Carter has revealed that she once consulted a ghost to prepare for one of her roles, and "Ghostbusters" star Melissa McCarthy said she had ghosts for friends as a child.

That's just a small window into the treasure trove of celebrity ghost stories floating around out there. Keep reading to see what other stars have to say about their various paranormal experiences.


Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian was just snapping your standard mirror selfies one day when she noticed an eerie shadow behind her in the resulting photo. "Soooo I took this pic last week when I was alone and now going through my phone I am freaking out noticing a woman in the window," Kardashian captioned a July 9 Instagram post where there does appear to be a shadow of a woman behind her in the window.


Octavia Spencer

In a 2021 interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Spencer said she believes her house is haunted — but by a ghost who seems to have her best interests at heart.

"I grew up watching Westerns and I bought this house, and it was owned by a guy who did Westerns, so I must have been a fan of his," she said. "I think he is my protector. I love him because he kind of sorts out the bad people that shouldn't be there. He runs them out."

She added that she trusts the ghost's judgment, and if people are scared away, she believes it's for a reason. "That's how I know that they don't belong there, because if you're a person that belongs there, everybody is like, 'Oh, your place is so welcoming, it's so great,'" she said.

However, the ghost apparently is a bit attached to her. "When I leave for a long time, he's a little shady. The doors close, the lights go off when I turn them on," she said. "I love my ghost. I just don't want you bringing your ghost to my house. I don't want anybody's ghost thinking they can be friends with my ghost. Because my ghost can haunt me, but he doesn't haunt me. We have boundaries."


Melissa McCarthy

Melissa McCarthy may have starred in "Ghostbusters" — but she's also had some real-life experiences with the undead. In a 2016 interview with Us Weekly, she revealed that her childhood was touched by the supernatural. "I do believe in ghosts," she said. "I lived in a house in Boulder, Colorado, that every time you walked up there, everyone who walked up there said, 'Oh, I don't like this.' There was just a presence."

She also discussed her ghostly childhood companions in an appearance at Cinemacon in 2016. "I grew up on a farm and I didn't have any real friends," she said, per People. "I have a very strong belief that people are out there because I was certainly talking to someone in those barns," she added, before joking, "otherwise I'm just crazy. I really strongly believe in ghosts."


Helena Bonham Carter

Bonham Carter once said she received some acting advice from an unusual source while she was preparing to play Princess Margaret in "The Crown."

"My main thing, when you play someone who is real, you kind of want their blessing because you have a responsibility," she said at the 2019 Cheltenham Literature Festival, per The Guardian. This led her to contact the ghost of her character via a psychic medium.

"She said, apparently, she was glad it was me," Bonham Carter said. Apparently, the ghost of Princess Margaret told her that "'You're better than the other actress'. . .that they were thinking of. They will not admit who it was. It was me and somebody else," Bonham Carter said. "That made me think maybe she is here, because that is a classic Margaret thing to say. She was really good at complimenting you and putting you down at the same time."

Bonham Carter also said that the late princess had some specific character advice: "'Get the smoking right. I smoked in a very particular way,'" the ghost purportedly told her. "'The cigarette holder was as much a weapon for expression as it was for smoking.'"


Kristen Stewart

In a 2019 interview with Vanity Fair, Stewart shared that she definitely believes in ghosts. "I talk to them," Stewart said. "If I'm in a weird, small town, making a movie, and I'm in a strange apartment, I will literally be like, 'No, please, I cannot deal. Anyone else, but it cannot be me.' Who knows what ghosts are, but there is an energy that I'm really sensitive to. Not just with ghosts but with people. People stain rooms all the time."


Gigi Hadid

Hadid opened up about her experiences with the supernatural in a 2018 Vogue interview. "I've had a lot of unexplainable experiences with the supernatural," the supermodel said. "When we were kids, we lived in this really old house, and I was given the attic as my room. We used to hear this weird sound in the closet, and then we asked my dad, and he said this old lady used to live in the house."

But instead of getting scared, Hadid and her family decided to be welcoming. "We convinced ourselves, and we would talk to her. We'd be like, 'Girl, we'll bring you some tea,'" she said.



In a 2013 "Reddit AMA, Cher revealed that she believes that she was being haunted (in a friendly way) by the ghost of her late ex-husband, Sonny Bono. "I love ghosts. I actually think that Sonny makes a light go on," she said. "I have a beautiful chandelier that he makes the light go on when it is impossible, there is no power on. I love ghosts, I prefer ghosts to some people."


Megan Fox

Fox has a well-documented love of the supernatural and the strange. In 2014, she told MTV that she had a brief encounter with ghosts while working in Mexico. "I've heard ghosts. I was just in Mexico at my hotel [. . .] and at 7 AM — I had pre-ordered breakfast for 7:30 AM — I heard them come in with the little table, I heard them pouring coffee and I thought 'Ugh, I'm not going to get up for another 30 minutes and my coffee is going to be cold. That sucks.' So I get up 30 minutes later, no coffee, no table, no nothing," Fox said. "I heard the doorbell ring, I answer the door, it's room service with my food, they bring it in. I turn around and all the bedroom lights are on and I'm like, you know what, I'm delirious, I've been traveling, drink your coffee. Brandy the nanny comes in later and she's like, 'Why did room service come in at 7 when we told them to come in at 7:30?' So you can't tell me I'm crazy because two people heard it."


Jessica Alba

In 2008, Alba told the Sydney Morning Herald that she had encountered a ghost when she was 17 while staying at her parents' home. "I had no idea what it was. I felt this pressure and I couldn't get up, I couldn't scream, I couldn't talk, I couldn't do anything," she said. "Something definitely took the covers off me and I definitely couldn't get off the bed, and then, once I did, I screamed, ran to my parents' room and I don't think I spent many nights in that house ever again! There was definitely something in my parents' old house — I don't know what it was. I can't really explain it. But they got it blessed and they burned sage and stuff since then."


Ariana Grande

In 2013, Grande opened up to Us Weekly about a strange experience she had when she visited a cemetery in Kansas: "I felt this sick, overwhelming feeling of negativity over the whole car and we smelled sulfur, which is the sign of a demon . . . I was like, 'This is scary, let's leave.' I rolled down the window before we left and said, 'We apologize. We didn't mean to disrupt your peace.' Then I took a picture and there are three super distinct faces in the picture—they're faces of textbook demons."


Gillian Anderson

"The X-Files" star knows a thing or two about dealing with the fictional supernatural world, but she apparently has also had a few real-life encounters of her own, and in 2014 she told Us Weekly about one. "I've definitely felt other spirits. I'm quite sensitive to it," she said. "And yes. But it's not something you can really talk about with too many people, especially not me."



Lorde sent her fans into a tizzy in 2014 when she claimed the ghosts were preventing her from recording new music. "Ghosts in the studio don't want us to record tonight, they leaving their ghost hum on everything," she tweeted, per The Independent.


Emma Stone

In 2014, Stone told David Letterman that her grandfather has been making his presence known to her family by leaving around quarters: "My grandfather leaves quarters. It's amazing, it's absolutely him. That's the joy of it, it's not a logical thing, it's magical."


Kate Hudson

Hudson claimed she and mom Goldie Hawn once encountered a ghost. In a 2014 episode of the Alan Carr Show, she explained what her supernatural experience was like. "It is not really seeing [a ghost], it is feeling a spirit. A fifth energy. I believe in energy," she said. "I believe our brains can manifest into visual things. When you see something, you are supposed to tell the energy what year it is and that they don't belong there. Then your brain is freaking out on you, you may have to remind it. "


Carrie Fisher

Fisher once claimed her Beverly Hills home was haunted by the late Republican strategist R. Gregory Stevens, who overdosed in her house in 2005. "Lights would go on and off, and I had this toy machine, that when you touched it would say, 'F*ck you! Eat sh*t! You're an *sshole!' And it would go off in the night, by itself, in my closet," she said, per a 2006 interview with Vanity Fair. "I was a nut for a year, and in that year I took drugs again."


Miley Cyrus

Cyrus told a story to Elle UK about her allegedly haunted London flat. "It was seriously so terrifying. One night, my little sister — it sounds crazy to tell you — but she was standing in the shower and all of a sudden, I hear her scream. I run in there and the water had somehow flipped to hot but it was still . . . It wasn't like the water had just changed, the knob had turned but she hadn't turned it and it was burning her. She was really red," she said in the 2013 interview. "I thought I had seen a little boy sitting on the sink watching me take a shower so I felt really freaked out. I was sitting there the next night and maybe I'm crazy, but I could have sworn I could see this little boy sitting there on the sink, kicking his feet. We found out that there was this older man that owned it [the bakery] and his son lived with him there, and I guess the wife died or something, she had gotten sick. So it was just the son and the dad that lived there in the bakery, and then the dad died and the son took over the bakery, and I thought I was seeing the son. I'm not even kidding. I had to move. That's not a lie. I will never stay there ever again."



Kesha claims that she's had a sexual encounter with a mysterious ghost, per The Huffington Post. "I had a couple of experiences with the supernatural. I don't know his name! He was a ghost! I'm very open to it."


Susan Boyle

Boyle believes that the spirit of her late mother is still lingering in her home. "Her energy is still there. I've actually seen my mother in the house," she told The Sun in 2011, per Digital Spy. "I think she was letting me know she was all right. There was a lovely smell. Perhaps it was her perfume, I'm not sure."


Keanu Reeves

Reeves says he saw a strange sight when he was "6 or 7" and hanging out in his family's new apartment in NYC. "All of a sudden we are looking at [the doorway] and this jacket comes waving through the doorway," he told Jimmy Kimmel in 2014. "Just an empty jacket, there's no head, there's no body, there's no legs, it's just there and then it disappears. And I was a little kid so I was like, 'OK, well that's interesting.'"


Kendrick Lamar

In a 2011 interview on Home Grown Radio, Lamar said he'd been visited by the ghost of Tupac Shakur in his sleep, and the shadowy version of the late legend told him, "Keep doing what you doing, don't let my music die." The experience later inspired the "To Pimp a Butterfly" track "Mortal Man."


Lily Collins

Collins has referenced ghosts a few times over the years. While on tour in Ireland, she apparently encountered a spirit and relayed the story to Jimmy Fallon in 2013, per the Huffington Post. "I open my eyes and I hear a giggle," she said. "And then I felt a rush of air across my body and I heard all these doors slamming, like fire doors—the ones you don't hear opening, but then the air—it closes. Three of them—and there were three doors outside my room."

Later, she came into contact with another spirit — this time while filming the Ted Bundy biopic "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile" alongside Zac Efron. In 2019, she told The Guardian that she started waking up at 3:05 AM every night while filming the movie. "I discovered that 3 AM is the time when the veil between the realms is the thinnest and one can be visited," she told the outlet, adding that she began to suspect that the ghosts of Bundy's victims were reaching out to her. "I didn't feel scared — I felt supported," she said. "I felt like people were saying: 'We're here listening. We're here to support. Thank you for telling the story.'"


Matthew McConaughey

While he was promoting the movie "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" in 2009, McConaughey shared a ghost story of his own — about a spirit called Madame Bleu who inhabited his Hollywood home. "I was not even under the influence and she was there. She wasn't that happy, it didn't seem like she was going to be much fun to hang around or have in my house, so I went ahead and stood my ground," he said. "I opened the door and said 'You can move around all you want but I'm not going anywhere.' For weeks everyone that came to the house said the same thing: 'There's someone down in that hall, there's somebody down in that hall.'"

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