How the Original Belle Inspired One of Emma Watson's Best Lines in Beauty and the Beast

Mar 19 2017 - 8:10pm

In 1991, Disney cast Broadway star Paige O'Hara [1] as Belle in Beauty and the Beast [2]. Between her soaring vocals and the way she brings the spirited, 2D Belle to life, it could not have been a better choice. Emma Watson [3] steps into O'Hara's shoes in 2017's live-action reboot [4] of the classic fairy tale, and although there's a lot about the film that differs from the original [5], they found the perfect way for Watson to honor O'Hara in the movie's final few minutes.

As the Beast, who has once again regained his human form, whirls Belle around a crowded ballroom of villagers, Belle can't get over how different he looks without his fur. She makes a joke about wanting him to get a beard, they share a kiss, and live hairily happily ever after. It turns out Belle's joke, seemingly a throwaway line, was actually one O'Hara ad-libbed while making the film in 1991. "I love [animator] Glen Keane's Beast, that's why I ad-libbed 'Do you think you can grow a beard?'" O'Hara revealed to Insider [6]. "It almost made it in the movie. But Glen's very proud of his prince and I understand why. He really is the most beautiful, I think, of all the Disney princes in history."

If the movie ever gets remade, may we suggest giving the prince a little scruff next time around?

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