8 Ways Women Are About to Take Over Game of Thrones

Jul 16 2017 - 9:40am

Game of Thrones [1] has always had a complicated relationship with its female characters. When the show began, the action focused heavily on the men — Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon and his evil son Joffrey, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, etc. — and the series has not been shy about violence against women [2] or its copious amounts of female nudity. On the flipside, the HBO fantasy series has killed off most of the men who were once at the forefront in favor of focusing more on the women — and now there are several women in control or poised to control all or part of Westeros.

So we're declaring season seven the year of the woman on Game of Thrones with these eight ways the ladies are taking over in the game where you win or you die.

Daenerys Is Coming

The mother of dragons is back in Westeros and ready to claim what is rightfully hers. But first, there may be some White Walkers to contend with. What better way to fight some undead frost monsters than with white-hot dragons, right? As long as Euron Greyjoy doesn't get his hands on them first [3].

Look Who's In Charge . . . For Now

Cersei finally has what she's always wanted — she is sitting on the Iron Throne. By series' end, chances are the Lannister villainess won't be in charge of anything, but for now, she is ruling King's Landing with an iron fist.

A Dornish Threat

Guess who's in charge down in sunny Dorne? Ellaria Sand and her cadre of sand snakes. But she still has revenge on her mind, so one big season-seven plot we're dying to see is Ellaria and Olenna Tyrell coming after Cersei to avenge their dead loved ones.

Plus, Ellaria needs to leave Dorne in order to meet up with Yara Greyjoy [5].

Queen in the North?

There are some hints at the end of season six that Sansa Stark may not be satisfied playing Gal Friday to Jon Snow's King in the North. As far as anyone knows, she does have a better claim to Winterfell than he does (and actually, his true parentage [6] gives him an even bigger royal claim), plus she was not happy about being ignored when the menfolk were planning the Battle of the Bastards.

Perhaps Sansa and her minion Littlefinger [7] will make a play for the North. That would certainly be quite the arc for the spoiled, materialistic Sansa of season one.

A Possible Sister Act

Arya may not be poised to rule any of Westeros's seven kingdoms, but she's returning from Braavos with some pretty badass skills — and she proves in season six that she's not afraid to get her hands bloody. If big sister Sansa is going to make a play for the North, Arya would be an excellent right-hand woman.

Does Sansa Need Some Muscle?

With Arya on one side, what better person to have on Sansa's other side than Brienne? Especially because they'll both be on their guard when it comes to Littlefinger and his intentions. That, or Brienne is going to run off with Tormund Giantsbane [8] to mobilize the wildlings and have enormous babies.

Someone's Feeling Salty

Yara has aligned with Dany — in a scene that probably launched 1,000 ships [9] — and is ready to whip the Iron Islands into shape. Euron won't know what hit him when Dany and Yara get a hold of him.

Sometimes the Bear Eats You

A breakout star of Game of Thrones season six is most definitely Bella Ramsey as Lyanna Mormont [11], head of Bear Island. She can be seen in season-seven photos still at Winterfell, so hopefully this no-nonsense young girl is sticking around.

She may have pledged her loyalty to Jon Snow as Ned Stark's son, but one has to think if she was given the choice between Jon and Sansa, she'd throw her support behind the full-blooded, female Stark. Either way, since Daenerys has already promised Yara Greyjoy control of the Iron Islands, it's not out of the realm of possibility that Lady Mormont could maintain control of Bear Island, even after Dany conquers the Iron Throne.

Raise your hand if you'd love to see a Westeros ruled by half a dozen women?

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