How Sansa Stark Became One of the Most Badass Game of Thrones Characters

Jun 24 2016 - 12:35pm

We're still recovering from the "Battle of the Bastards [1]" on Game of Thrones, mostly because it was one of the show's most epic episodes to date. There's a lot to process in that thrilling hour of TV — including the epic death of Ramsay [2] and an impactful union between Daenerys Targaryen and the Greyjoys [3] — but one of our favorite parts has to be the sheer brilliance of Sansa Stark. Throughout the history of the show, we've seen her grow from a naïve young girl to a powerful woman, one that takes after her mother, Catelyn [4]. These days, she's one of the show's most badass characters, and plenty of tiny moments have gotten her to this point.

When She First Starts Sticking Up to Joffrey

Good riddance, right?

When She Smacks the Hell Out of Her Little Cousin

Take THAT!

When She's All Sassy

Tell 'em, Sans. (Can we call her Sans? We're going to call her Sans.)

When She Turns Into Dark Sansa

She came to slay, b*tch.

When She Won't Let Myranda Intimidate Her in Winterfell

Don't you dare take that tone with Sansa.

When She Prepares to Do Anything to Escape Ramsay

We mean anything. Like kill Myranda.

When She Leaps From a High Castle Wall With Theon

It takes a lot of courage to leap to jump to your possible death.

When She Survives the Freezing Cold

She might be near death, but Sansa's heart beats on.

When She Agrees to Join Forces With Brienne

Finally, Sansa gets the right kind of people on her side.

When She Finally Finds Her Way to Jon Snow

Look, something good happens!

When She Gets All Cleaned Up and She's Fiercer Than Ever

You better WORK, Sans.

When Someone Throws Shade and She Throws It Right Back

Do. Not. Come. For. Her.

When She Confronts Littlefinger For What He Did

Oh, you thought she was just going to let that one go? Wrong.

When She Makes Him Answer the Tough Questions

Oh, it's not enough to shame Littlefinger. She wants him to hear what he did, directly from her mouth.

When She REALLY Spells It Out

Never again.

When She's Not Afraid to Face Ramsay After Everything He's Done

You think she's going to hide in Castle Black? Nah.

Then She's All, "You 'Bout to Die, Boy"

If microphones existed in Westeros, this is where our girl Sans would drop one.

When She Shows Up With the Knights of Vale and She's All, "B*tch, You THOUGHT"

Nice try, Ramsay.

When She's Ready to Let Ramsay Have It

That'll teach him.

When She Walks Away From Ramsay's Barbaric Death With That Mona Lisa Smile

Yassss! Queen of Westeros!!

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