Homeland: Everything You Need to Remember Before Season 7 Premieres

Feb 10 2018 - 4:35pm

Homeland [1] is about to return to Showtime for its seventh season, moving the action to Washington DC for the penultimate season — creator Alex Gansa revealed in 2016 that the eighth season would most likely be its last [2], and star Claire Danes [3] has a very specific idea for how it should end [4].

But that is still a year away! When things pick up in season seven, Carrie Mathison is no longer working for President Keane and is instead quietly fighting to free the 200 members from various intelligence agencies who were arrested on Keane's orders.

In case you need a refresher course before season seven premieres, here's how season six ends.

Carrie Mathison

Our intrepid heroine begins season six working with President-elect Keane's team as a secret foreign policy advisor. But she quickly becomes embroiled in uncovering a plot by Dar Adal to frame a Muslim man for an explosion in New York and plant evidence that Iran has violated its nuclear agreement with the US.

It escalates into an assassination attempt on Keane for which Quinn is going to be framed. Carrie is able to stop the assassination attempt, but Quinn dies in the process. After Keane is sworn in as president, Carrie works for her administration as a liaison to the intelligence community. She is offered a permanent advisory position but turns it down once she learns Keane has ordered the arrests of 200 innocent intelligence officers from the State Department, Department of Defense, and CIA — including Saul Berenson.

Peter Quinn

Quinn recovers from his stroke in rather remarkable time and jumps right in to help Carrie. His suspicions about a conspiracy seem unfounded and paranoid until he is revealed to be right about Dar Adal being out to get Carrie and also the Keane administration.

He and Carrie manage to get Keane to safety in an SUV, but he dies when soldiers open fire on the car.

President Keane

Throughout season six, President-elect Keane is manipulated into thinking Iran has violated its nuclear agreement in an effort to intensify the US presence in the Middle East. Eventually Dar Adal and his military cohorts decide she must be taken out before she can take office, so they attempt to assassinate her.

After she becomes president, Keane is increasingly paranoid about the intelligence community conspiring against her, which is understandable considering some of its members tried to kill her. But she goes too far in having Saul Berenson and hundreds of others who had nothing to do with her would-be assassination arrested.

Dar Adal

Dar becomes quite the villain in season six, though Carrie, Saul, and Quinn manage to thwart his plans before he can kill Keane. At the end of the season he is in prison, and while he does admit to Saul that he lost control of the situation, he still doesn't think it was wrong to go after Keane.

Saul Berenson

Saul works to uncover the nuclear agreement conspiracy, eventually realizing his colleague Dar is behind everything. But it doesn't matter how much Saul helps to uncover the conspiracy in the intelligence community; he is still seen as a threat by Keane, so she has him arrested for the assassination attempt on her. Perhaps in season seven he and Dar are sharing a prison cell (kidding, kidding).

Brett O'Keefe

Drawing from any number of extremist commentators, O'Keefe is an alt-right TV host who is revealed to be working with Dar because he doesn't think Keane should be president, going so far as to distribute a video manipulated to make it look like Keane's son died in Iraq due to his cowardice. O'Keefe also pays for his own troll farm: internet users who go online and promote extremist views and conspiracy theories.

As of the end of season six, he is on the run from the Feds for the role he played in Dar's scheme.

General McClendon

Dar wasn't working alone in his attempt to undermine Keane's administration — McClendon is his man in the military. When they hunt for Keane, McClendon and his men execute Secret Service Agent Thoms, who is Keane's head of security.

With Dar in prison already at the end of season six, it's only a matter of time before McClendon is as well.

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