22 Iconic Tom Hanks Roles You Can Re-Create on Halloween Night

Oct 28 2017 - 11:20pm

Over the years, Tom Hanks [1] has portrayed some pretty memorable characters [2], from a teen in a grown man's body to a castaway on a deserted island. With iconic roles like Forrest Gump and Woody, it seems like the actor's résumé is just bursting with incredible costume ideas. So if you're looking for inspiration this Halloween [3], we definitely suggest channeling one of his many personas. We've rounded up the best of the best here to help you have an incredible Oct. 31.

Woody, Toy Story

Chuck Noland, Cast Away

Joe, Joe Versus the Volcano

Jimmy Dugan, A League of Their Own

Captain Miller, Saving Private Ryan

Sam Baldwin, Sleepless in Seattle

Conductor, The Polar Express

Joe Fox, You've Got Mail

Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump

Carl Hanratty, Catch Me If You Can

Captain Richard Phillips, Captain Phillips

Robert Langdon, The Da Vinci Code

Paul Edgecomb, The Green Mile

Josh, Big

Walter Fielding Jr., The Money Pit

Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, Sully

Viktor Navorski, The Terminal

Jim Lovell, Apollo 13

Det. Pep Streebeck, Dragnet

Allen Bauer, Splash

Mr. White, That Thing You Do!

Kip Wilson, Bosom Buddies

Tom Hanks Halloween Costumes

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