A Clown Finally Spoke on American Horror Story! Here's Who It Could Be

Sep 18 2017 - 10:55am

A clown has spoken. In the second episode [1] of American Horror Story: Cult [2], one of the masked clowns breaks his silence for a split second. Naturally, fans are already theorizing about who that slightly familiar voice might belong to.

In case you missed it, there's a scene toward the end of the episode where Ozzy is woken up by one of the clowns who is tiptoeing through his bedroom. Following advice previously given to him by Winter Anderson, sweet young Oz simply asks the clown, "Am I asleep? Or are you real?" The clown replies, "You're asleep." Obviously, the clown is a damn liar because his whole squad later terrorizes Oz's mom [3], Ally, in a very real way. Aside from that, holy sh*t, he spoke! They can speak!

While we can't really gather too many clues from the clown's mime-like Harlequin costume, we can make a few predictions based on his voice. Here's what we can gather: the clown is a man, he sounds young, and his voice is rather soft and calm. After listening to that one scene for the umpteenth time (you're welcome), here are our theories.

Kai Anderson

Under that clown mask could obviously be this season's apparent villain. Kai seems to be the ringleader for the rest of the clown squad, so it's likely that he was there in the house that night. That being said, his voice is a little more agitated and nasally than that of the clown. Kai might also just be too much of an obvious choice.

Detective Samuels

Since he showed up, Detective Samuels has been suspicious as hell. He's already familiar with the neighborhood since he's been in it before doing detective business. Not to mention, he's not particularly chatty and has a similar calmness to his voice.

Dr. Rudy Vincent

You know who has a soothing voice? Ally's psychiatrist, that's who! Since the first episode, fans have been theorizing that Dr. Rudy Vincent is also mixed up in this creepy cult. (Trust no one, people.) Of the entire cast, we think his voice most closely resembles the clown's. We should all be really worried for Ally.

Finn Wittrock

OK — this might be a long shot, but maybe the clown is a character we haven't been introduced to this season. Finn Wittrock hasn't been confirmed for this season yet, but it's likely that he'll make an appearance since he's been so involved in the past several seasons. If he does end up portraying one of the clowns, it could also be a nod to Dandy Mott's obsession with Twisty in American Horror Story [5]: Freak Show.

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