We Finally Know Everyone's Relative on "Claim to Fame"


"Claim to Fame" just wrapped up its second season, and the cast of celebrity relatives brought all the nepo-baby drama our hearts desire. Hosted by Kevin and Frankie Jonas, the ABC show takes 12 people who are related to celebrities and makes them live together while they try to uncover who each person's famous relative really is.

Season two premiered on June 26, and the season put the 12 contestants through a series of challenges that gave them clues as to the identities of their fellow contestants' relatives — while also challenging them to keep their own relatives secret. Heading into the two-part season finale on Aug. 28, Monay, Gabriel, Chris, and Karsyn were working hard to try to keep the others confused while still sussing out everyone else's famous family member. Ultimately, the winner who guessed their fellow contestant's relative correctly got to take home the top prize.

"Claim to Fame" season one was a fan-favorite show in the summer of 2022, and season two is even more intense. Ahead, we're breaking down the relatives of every "Claim to Fame" season two contestant.


Who Is Gabriel From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Gabriel claims during two truths and a lie that his celebrity is his brother, who's an athlete and an NAACP Image Award winner, but he tells the camera the athlete part is a lie. He adds that he looks "nothing" like his relative. During the second episode, we find out his relative is from San Diego. During episode four, he worries that the cheeseburger during the challenge will be associated with him. His relative, he reveals, was on Nickelodeon, the home of Kenan and Kel's "Welcome to Goodburger." In episode six, he lies through his teeth about being related to a football player, and at least JR is still convinced.

In episode seven, Chris pulls Gabriel's clue (with Gabriel watching), and while Gabriel is convinced Chris will immediately get it, Chris's pop culture knowledge seems to be lacking. The clue reads, "Father to more than 10 kids and drum star." That means Nick Cannon is his brother.

In the last three episodes, the other contestants still struggle to decipher his clue, and ultimately no one ever makes an official guess. But his relative is confirmed when he wins the show in the season finale, with Nick sharing a sweet video congratulating his brother.


Who Is Monay From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Monay claims her dad is an Emmy-winning athlete. When her team loses in episode three, her clues are a lightning cloud, a fedora, and a necklace with a chain. Karsyn thinks her relative is Steve Harvey, but no one else is convinced so far.

In episode five, Monay's clue is revealed, and it points to "Saturday Night Live" and "Curb Your Enthusiasm." Though none of the contestants put it together, that points directly to actor J.B. Smoove being Monay's dad. Only when the eliminated contestants return in the last episode is Gabriel able to put together that Monay's dad is J.B., and he correctly guesses her dad to win the game. Monay reveals that her actual name is Jerrica, named after her dad, whose first name is Jerry.


Who Is Chris From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Chris says during two truths and a lie that his celebrity's biggest award is a star on the Walk of Fame. During the talent show, he tells the camera that he's going to sing, even though his relative is also a singer (and he notes that they do sound the same). One contestant says Chris reminds her of John Mayer. Mayer, for what it's worth, does not have a star on the Walk of Fame.

During episode two, Monay picks the clue about Chris. It features a dog, a heart, a shirt, the letter N, an eye, a babushka, a symbol for a door, and seven shirts. She doesn't puzzle it out during the episode, but during episode three, she and Jane mull it over. It leads Jane to incorrectly guess that he's related to Elvis Presley.

Hugo, meanwhile, thinks Chris is related to Nicolas Cage. He notes that on the clue wall, there are cage-free eggs, the Washington Monument, and the Liberty Bell.

In episode four, Chris is on edge that the others have decoded his clue, but he ends up winning the challenge and is safe. In episode five, he confesses to the camera that the hint about Vegas is related to his relative.

In episode six, the other contestants continue to explore their theories about Chris's relative being Jim Carrey, but they admit it doesn't really fit his clue, which points to a "teen idol" from the '70s.

During the episode seven challenge, the contestants learn Chris's relative is from Utah and is associated with a coat of many colors. Viewers at home might have realized this points to singer Donny Osmond, and Chris is his son. Osmond's hit single was "Puppy Love," he starred in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," and he's famously from Utah. But even though Gabriel mentions Joseph, the contestants become convinced Chris's relative is Elton John (who is famously British). Hugo goes home guessing John, and a week later JR goes home making another incorrect guess. But in the season finale, Monay correctly guesses that Chris's dad is Donny, and he exits the competition.


Who Is Karsyn From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Karsyn says during two truths and a lie that her relative is a musician. During the talent show, she does a horrible rendition of "Amazing Grace," but it's not clear if it's a tactic to keep others off her trail.

Shayne pulls Karsyn's big clue, and it has a trophy, an eraser, a minus sign, a question mark, two records, and four beers. In episode four, the cast becomes convinced that this clue points to NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon. During the episode's challenge, we also find out that a tire is a clue for her person. But Karsyn tells Chris that Gordon is not her celebrity, which sows enough doubt to keep her safe.

The contestants use the episode six challenge to probe Karsyn for info about her relative and to try to prove it's Gordon. But when Karsyn guesses the race car driver, we learn that Olivia has successfully misled them all, and she's not related to him.

In episode seven, the contestants learn her relative has won Daytona multiple times in a row and is associated with Danica Patrick, Mark Zuckerberg, and JAY-Z. Karsyn is Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s niece. In episode nine, Chris guesses this correctly, and Karsyn is eliminated.


Who Is Carly From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

During two truths and a lie in the first episode, Carly claims her famous relative is her uncle. She says he's an Oscar-winning musician but reveals to the camera that he's actually one of the biggest actors in Hollywood. When the contestants see the clue wall, she's immediately stressed because a "bunch of clues" relate to her. The other contestants point out a green bench that harkens back to "Forrest Gump" and wonder if someone is related to
Tom Hanks.

At the end of the episode, contestant Hugo guesses that Carly's uncle is Hanks, and he's right! Carly immediately starts crying, though she does rave about her famous uncle. "He's always been there for me, and not only is he so kind but he's so funny and so smart," she says. "Everything that you hear about Tom is true. He is the nicest guy in Hollywood."

But as she heads back to the house to pack her bag, Carly screams that it was unfair because her clues were "so freaking obvious." "Why a bench?! Why a bench?!" she yells. "There's literally no references to benches in any other movie!"

Carly, whose full name is Carly Reeves, told USA Today that she's technically Hanks's niece by marriage. Her mom is the sister of Hanks's wife, Rita Wilson. Previously, Carly appeared in two of her uncle's films, 2007's "Charlie Wilson's War" and 2011's "Larry Crowne."

In her interview, Carly said she applied for "Claim to Fame" herself and explained, "I thought absolutely it would be great exposure, even if it was just that people knew me from my uncle. I've always wanted to be outside of the spotlight from him, but now I'm like, 'Well, I guess we're doing this. We're sharing [it] with the world.'" She told the outlet that Hanks and Wilson and her cousins Colin and Chet were "really happy" for her to go on the show.


Who Is Travis From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Travis says his celebrity is his dad, who is an actor and has won a Critics' Choice Award. During the talent show, he recites the first 100 digits of Pi, which he says is a "big risk" because of who his dad is. Jane becomes convinced that Travis's dad is scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson (who does, in fact, have a Critics' Choice Award). Turns out Jane is right.

In episode two, she shares this knowledge with everyone else, and Gabriel successfully identifies Travis's relative at the end of the episode. He's the second to go home.


Who Is Jane From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Jane says during two truths and a lie that her celebrity is her dad and that he's a Grammy-winning musician. In episode two, we find out Jane's relative was born in 1946.

In episode three, things fall apart for Jane. First, when Monay tells her that the clue she pulled involves a dog, she's worried that she pulled her clue. Later, as a loser in the game's challenge, the group get three more clues: a parrot, an orchid behind her ear, and a blue collar. Karsyn thinks this all adds up to Jane being related to Dolly Parton. The orchid is for Nashville's Tootsies Honky Tonky Orchid Lounge, and the collar is a blue collar, pointing to "9 to 5."

Jane ends up having to guess in the episode and she guesses, incorrectly, that Chris is related to Elvis Presley. It's revealed that Parton is, in fact, her aunt, and Jane's real name is Jada Star. Parton, she says, is the one who chose her name. "How can you hide a superstar like Dolly Parton from anybody?" Jane notes as she leaves.


Who Is Shayne From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Shayne claims her celebrity is her dad and that he's a Grammy-winning musician. For her talent, she does a card trick. Travis, as the winner of the talent show, gets to pull a clue about Shayne, though he has trouble decoding it. The paper he gets has images of a crown, a missing man, a plane that's flying away, the United States, an ampersand, a play symbol, a deer, and a piece of wheat.

During episode two, Jane and Travis work together to decode the clue, which points to the relative starring in "Coming to America" and playing the character Buckwheat on "Saturday Night Live." On the clue wall, the contestants notice a donkey for "Shrek," too. By the end of the episode, almost the whole house is convinced Shayne is related to Eddie Murphy. They're right: Shayne is one of Eddie's 10 kids. Shayne wins immunity in episode three, so she stays safe another week.

Shayne doesn't win immunity the next week, however, and she votes Cole as the guesser because of their previous alliance. But Cole correctly identifies Shayne's dad, sending her home. She says she's "completely surprised" he did that, but calls her father "the best dad in the world."


Who Is Cole From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Cole claims during two truths and a lie that his celebrity is his father. For his talent, he spray-paints. During the episode four challenge, we get one more clue for Cole: a block of swiss cheese. Monay hints that she and Shayne have figured out even more about his relative without him knowing.

In episode five, we find out Monay has put together that Cole is related to Alicia Keys. On the clue wall, there's a piano, sheet music, and a diary; in 2003, Keys released "The Diary of Alicia Keys." The limerick during the challenge also has a reference to keys. During the guessing, Karsyn correctly guesses Alicia is Cole's sister. He calls her "my rock and my best friend."


Who Is Olivia From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Olivia says during two truths and a lie that her relative has a Razzie. Her talent is pole dancing. In episode three, her clues are an alien headband, a hospital logo, and sparkly sunglasses. In episode five, some of the contestants think "funny bunny" in the limerick points to Olivia. On the clue wall, there's a bunny holding a carrot, and the contestants guess that she's related to Carrot Top.

In the July 31 episode, Olivia ends up having to guess, and she incorrectly guesses that Karsyn is related to Jeff Gordon. As she heads home, we learn that her celebrity relative was Jenny McCarthy, which no one had come close to guessing.


Who Is Hugo From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Hugo says during two truths and a lie that his relative is his grandfather, who's an athlete and a Nobel Prize winner. He tells the camera the athlete part is a lie and says his grandfather was once "the most powerful man in the world." For his talent, he lifts weights to try to make himself seem athletic, but the other contestants don't buy it. Some of them wonder if his grandfather is astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Aldrin, however, does not have a Nobel Prize.

In episode three, we find out Jane thinks his relative is former President Jimmy Carter. There are peanuts and a donkey on the clue board, and she's pretty sure Carter won a Noble Prize. Her one concern is that Hugo is too young.

In episode four, Chris pulls Hugo's clue. It has a finger flip, an ampersand, a deer, a police person, a question mark, a farmer, and two kooky face emojis. Chris struggles with what this clue means, but in episode six he finally figures out it's pointing to Carter. Hugo is Jimmy Carter's grandson through his daughter Amy Lynn Carter, and her husband, Gregory Wentzel.

In episode seven, Hugo incorrectly guesses the identity of Chris's relative and is sent home, confirming President Carter is his grandfather. Noting that his grandpa, who's 98, is in hospice, he said, "I love you so much papa, you are amazing, and I will do everything I can to keep your legacy alive."


Who Is JR From "Claim to Fame" Season 2 Related To?

Viewers don't see all of JR's two truths and a lie, but he does say his celebrity is his brother. For his talent, he shoots basketballs (very poorly) to prove he doesn't have athletic skill. During the challenge in episode two, the contestants learn his relative is from Lithia Springs, GA.

JR's clues for being on the losing team in episode three are a chef hat and a pacifier. In episode five, the contestants start to figure out that he's not related to an athlete, and they wonder if he's related to rapper Da Baby.

During episode six, he tells a story about his relative leaving a sporting event because he had to poop. That was a story about his actual relative: Lil Nas X, who told fans he was delayed in the bathroom last year. Gabriel pulls JR's clue, which he translates to, "Bold artist who went to old town road," confirming that JR's relative is Lil Nas X.

During episode seven, the contestants get a clue that JR's relative was the "First LGBT" something and was on the 30 under 30 list. But they never make a guess at his relative, because he's eliminated when he incorrectly guesses Chris's, revealing that his brother is Lil Nas X.

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