Cheers, Bebes! Schitt's Creek Season 5 Will Drop on Netflix in October

Sep 17 2019 - 1:50pm

Break out your favorite fruit wine folks, because Netflix is finally premiering the fifth season of Schitt's Creek [1] on Oct. 10. The Emmy-nominated hit series [2] about a wealthy family who suddenly lose their fortune and are forced to move to a tiny backwoods town to get by, has taken viewers by storm [3] since its debut in 2015, and fans are always hungry to get the latest batch of episodes. Especially since the series is heading toward its final sixth season [4] and honestly, we're just not ready for it to be over.

Luckily, we still have a ways toward that! Filming on season six wrapped up in July [5] (cue the light sobs over that roller coaster of emotions), and though we have no official premiere date, we do know the 14-episode season should be airing around January 2020 [6]. Which leaves plenty of time for everyone to watch season five when it drops in October and rewatch all the previous seasons [7] so you're ready for the end. So, stock up on the fruit wines and make sure you've memorized all the lyrics to "Simply the Best" and "A Little Bit Alexis [8]."

#SchittsCreek [10] Season 5 is coming to Netflix US on October 10! Great news for bebe. pic.twitter.com/JER7ufEOD8 [11]

— See What's Next (@seewhatsnext) September 10, 2019 [12]

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