15 Ways Having a Puppy Is NOT Like Having a Baby, Even a Little Bit

Aug 21 2018 - 9:55am

No matter what side of the should-you-call-your-pet-your-baby [1] debate you're on, there are undoubtedly some similarities between adopting a new puppy and adding a human baby to your family. Both will probably wake you up crying in the middle of the night, both need a lot of attention and supervision, both are impossibly cute [2], both will probably make you a more responsible person [3], and both are super easy to love.

But there are also many, many ways that a puppy is absolutely nothing like a new baby [4], and I should know. After surviving the baby stage with my two children, now 4-and-a-half and 7, I'm now deep into puppy mode with the latest addition to our family: a 9-week-old Golden Retriever (cue the "awws," which he totally deserves because he's the the most adorable puppy [5] alive, and no, I'm not biased). However, caring for my newest family member is a million times easier than caring for either of my crazy babies ever was, even on their most low-maintenance days. Still don't believe me? Check out the following 15 reasons having a puppy is absolutely not like having a baby.

Your Puppy's Sleep Training Is Way Less Painful

Not only will it take a lot less time, but your puppy's crying probably won't break your heart as much as your baby's will, especially if you've survived multiple rounds of sleep training with an actual human baby. Get on board, pup; mama's over sleep deprivation.

You Can Take Your Baby Anywhere

Maybe the diners at the next table at that hip restaurant won't appreciate a screaming baby, but it's still your prerogative to take that child to dinner. Your puppy won't make it past the hostess's stand. Or into a doctor's office. And we guess you might be able to take your pup into your favorite boutique, but you might get some weird looks.

Your Puppy Can Be Potty Trained in Weeks

My 9-week-old puppy is a superstar when it comes to doing his business in the appropriate place. My son took almost four years to learn the same skill.

Your Baby's Cuteness Knows No Bounds

You know what's cuter than a newborn? A chubby 6-month-old. And that baby? She's even cuter as a toddler. Hell, my 7-year-old daughter still gets cuter with every lost tooth. Your puppy's cuteness is always there, too, but definitely not on the same level. And if you got them as a tiny puppy, enjoy that short cuteness window while it lasts.

Feeding Your Puppy Is Easy Peasy

Buy some dog food, put it in a bowl two or three times a day, and voila, you've accomplished feeding your puppy and it took a grand total of two minutes. You'll spend years of your life trying to figure out your baby's nipple confusion, food preferences, and weird eating habits.

Your Baby's Milestones Are a Much Bigger Deal

If your puppy can't sit, shake, roll over, or fetch, no one really cares. Hell, they probably won't even ask. But if your baby isn't hitting each and every milestone, you'll feel the pressure from friends, family, and most definitely from yourself.

Your Puppy Doesn't Need Much

A place to sleep, a bowl of water and food, and a few toys is basically enough to keep your puppy happy. Your baby required a three-page registry and enough gear and big-ticket items that you probably thought about taking out a second mortgage and buying a bigger house.

Your Baby Is Much More Opinionated

No matter what, your puppy will love you. Your baby is much more mercurial. And forget about it when they're old enough to talk. Just assume they'll switch between telling you that you're the best mom ever and that they hate you at least twice a day.

Your Puppy Doesn't Need Much to Be Entertained

An old stuffed animal, a stick, an exposed toe . . . all are equally fascinating to a puppy. Your baby, on the other hand, will require an arsenal of sensory toys; music, movement, and swim classes; and more books than you've ever read in your entire life.

You Can Leave Your Puppy Home Alone

Need to run to the grocery store or to a doctor's appointment? No biggie. Put your puppy in a safe place, and you're out. Your baby, however, will have to come with you. Duh.

Your Puppy's Hygiene Isn't That Important

In fact, feel free to bathe them only in cases of emergency (i.e. he rolled in something nasty or is meeting an important relative). Your baby, however, is going to need to be bathed almost every day, and you will dread it just as often.

You Can't Put Your Baby on a Leash Without Judgment

You will debate whether the judgment is worth it [7] more than once, especially when your toddler develops the fun habit of running into traffic with reckless abandon. Your puppy, on the other hand, is fully expected to be on a leash in public.

Your Puppy Will Never Grow Out of His Entire Wardrobe

That fluff and fur grows with him, you lucky pet mom. Mothers to human babies, however, should expect to purchase a new wardrobe for their children every three to six months, for about, um, 14 to 18 years.

You Can't Put Your Baby in a Cage

Say you have guests over and your puppy is being naughty or annoying. Guess what? You can put that puppy in a crate and, while he might complain a bit, he'll probably fall asleep pretty quickly. Your baby's being a pill? Put her in a crib and see what happens (Hint: Pissed-off babies aren't known for being accommodating).

You Can Get a Puppy Whenever You Want

Decide you really want a puppy today? You can probably get one. Babies take a little longer to acquire, like nine to 10 months at a minimum.

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