Robert Downey Jr.'s Tweets to a Little Boy Having a Bad Day Will Make Your Heart Melt

Apr 4 2016 - 12:04pm

Celebrities likely get tweeted at hundreds of times a day, making it hard for them to answer every single tweet — but every once in a while a lucky fan will get a response. Kathy Ellis tweeted to Robert Downey Jr. last year, asking him to say "hi" to her son Aidan, who was having a "rough day." Downey Jr. came through, making the young boy's day.

@RobertDowneyJr [1] It would make my son Aidan's day if you could re tweet "hi." As you can see he has had a rough day. pic.twitter.com/eMuXlUhmVB [2]

— kathy ellis (@trips034me) April 22, 2015 [3]

Downey Jr. replied directly to Aidan through Kathy's account, and the exchange continued from there. The boy touched on his bad day, adding in another reply, "You made my day and my year."

@RobertDowneyJr [4] I was racing with my bro. I was slowing down and he pushed me into the house. Not on purpose. You are the best actor. Aid

— kathy ellis (@trips034me) April 22, 2015 [5]

@RobertDowneyJr [6] you made my day and my year. Thanks for talking to me.

— kathy ellis (@trips034me) April 23, 2015 [7]

Many fans replied to the star in admiration throughout the exchange.

@RobertDowneyJr [8] @trips034me [9] And this is just one of the reasons why you're so awesome.

— Gigi McLaughlin (@TGIDinner) April 22, 2015 [10]

@RobertDowneyJr [11] my heart is melting

— Claudia (@rdjsfans) April 23, 2015 [12]

Nice one, Robert.

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