How to Potty-Train Your Kids According to Their Zodiac Sign

Flickr user David D

Potty-training is one of the most daunting tasks a novice parent can endure. Unlike with walking and talking — things toddlers wind up just figuring out without much instruction — you actually have to teach your kiddos how to control their bladders and how to release bodily fluids on command. If that sounds daunting, just factor in their personality quirks, and you're in for an overwhelming experience. There's certainly no one way to get your kid to ditch diapers, so consider letting their astrological sign guide your approach, especially if you've been down this pee-stained road before.

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)

These little ones likely have their own way of doing things. Independent and inventive, whatever plan you had for potty-training might be best set aside in deference to whatever method your child chooses to try. Free spirits, they'll go at their own pace, whether you like it or not. Thankfully, children who identify with this air sign aren't likely to be too emotional about the process, so accidents won't set them back mentally.

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

Proceed with caution when it comes to potty-training these sensitive souls. Pisces kids certainly feel the weight of what they're learning, and they can become overwhelmed quickly. Also, because they're on the shy side, there's a good chance they'll sneak away to do the deed in a hiding place (like a closet or corner of the room) to keep attention off them during such a vulnerable time. Don't get too down on yourself about any setbacks — your child might get caught up in making sure you are OK without even realizing they're the ones in need of extra compassion.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Ever hear of those parents who go overboard with potty-training prep by pulling up all the rugs and cling-wrapping the couch? Yeah, they're probably on their second attempt with an Aries kiddo. These daredevils will test your limits, urinate on every surface imaginable, and make you wonder why you had kids to begin with. There's a good chance that after three days of "naked time," you'll call it quits. Silver lining: their sense of determination, while certain to cause you all to butt heads, should assure you that they will learn to use the potty . . . eventually.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Stubborn doesn't begin to describe these pint-size bulls of the zodiac. These kids are set in their ways, and any efforts you make to take those diapers away is going to be met with defiance. They're rigid when it comes to change, so your best bet here is to avoid any of those "potty-train-in-a-day" crazes and instead adopt an ever-so-gradual transition to their daily routine so as not to make them feel insecure.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Don't plan to make potty-training a one-way street with your little Gemini. These communicative kids are most successful when they are a part of the conversation. Consider picking up a few children's books about the potty, and spend the weeks leading up to the main event letting them know how they'll soon get to wear undies "like a big kid." Their rabid curiosity will thrive off this intel.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Incredibly cautious, those kids who personify the crab sign are the ones likely to either hold it in for fear of having an accident or refuse to poop outside of a diaper. Once they do get daytime potty-trained, they are often the ones who continue on with bedtime diapers for months afterward. It will be exhausting, but be mindful of keeping your own frustrations in check — they're easily hurt, and even one angry word can undo a lot of their hard-earned progress.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 21)

Who's potty-training whom here? Just like the lion this sign embodies, your defiant tot has an opinion about every stop of the potty-training process. They need Thomas the Tank Engine undies, not Minions. The potty needs to be next to the tub, not against the wall. They get M&Ms when they go poop successfully, not jelly beans. Sure, their opinionated mindset is exhausting, but there's a huge benefit: they thrive off being a little leader. Let them call as many of the shots as you can allow while employing some positive reinforcement strategies, and you might just discover that they will potty-train themselves.

Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

Because Virgos are perfectionists, your potty-training journey could go one of two very different ways. Your kiddo will either do it once and have it down pat for good (praise be!), or they'll get especially frustrated with themselves when they make even the simplest mistake, thus derailing their efforts. Typically tidy and fastidious, you might find that Virgos freak out if pee dribbles down their leg or if they don't rip the toilet paper precisely along the dotted line. Gently reminding your child that they're doing a great job can help take that self-imposed pressure off a bit.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Sociable and easily influenced, the key to getting your little Libra potty-trained might be with a smidge of positive peer pressure. If you have a mom friend whose child was recently potty-trained, set up a few play dates so that your kid can see what it's like firsthand — and thus get inspired to follow suit. Libras, whose symbol is the Scales, seek balance and fairness, so be sure if you make it a rule that they wipe down the seat after going potty, you do the same.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

The potty-training method of taking your kiddo to the bathroom every 20 minutes for a straight day might not jive well with Scorpios and their natural intuition. Known for being the most psychically aware sign in the zodiac, if they say they don't need to go, they probably don't. They also happen to be expert secret-keepers, which will prove taxing when they are trying to hide something — like where they pooped. Don't coddle your Scorpio, though. Instead, when they say that they have to use the bathroom, offer them privacy, and trust that they'll follow their own razor-sharp instincts.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 22)

These happy-go-lucky kids are a blessing and a curse when it comes to potty-training. They go through the motions with a smile plastered on their face, but they also go through countless accidents with equal gregariousness. With pride, they'll yell down the hall for you that they're peeing, only for you to discover that they did it on the bathroom floor . . . with their undies still on. The benefit here is that they bounce back from setbacks, and it'd be wise if you just try to do the same.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

These Winter-born kids are old souls, and they probably are more aware of what's to come down than you think. In fact, they'll probably want to skip the training pants and the kid-size potty in favor of big-kid underwear and mommy and daddy's toilet. The key with Capricorns is consistency — keep to a potty-break schedule, and you're golden. To that end, even if you think you are ready to take your child's diaper-free skills to the park or a restaurant, you'll want to prepare for resistance to any changes to the norm, like public restrooms.

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