A Nutritionist Ranked the 10 Best Proteins For Your Kids

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As parents, you always want to make sure you're feeding your kids good and healthy foods to fuel their growing bodies and minds. And one of the best ways to do that is with protein. But with so many proteins out there, it can feel a little overwhelming when trying to decide which ones are best. POPSUGAR spoke to Frances Largeman-Roth, nutritionist, author of Eating in Color: Delicious, Healthy Recipes For You and Your Family, and mom of three, about the importance of protein in your family meal planning. "One thing to keep in mind regarding protein is to vary your protein sources to get an array of nutrients," she explained. "For example, dairy products contain potassium and calcium, while meats are rich in iron and zinc, and seafood is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Try to rotate the proteins your kids eat so that they're getting a variety each week."

Part of making sure kids grow up to be healthy and strong is giving them a variety of foods. "Lots of people know that protein is essential for muscle growth, which is vital for kids' growing bodies, but it's also essential for their bones, cartilage, skin, and blood," Largeman-Roth continued. "Kids need protein for muscle growth and repair, especially after intense exercise. Protein helps to mend the microtears that happen to active muscles. It's also essential for a good immune system, and healthy hair, skin, and nails." So, which proteins should you go with? Keep reading for the top 10 proteins for kids, ranked.



"Eggs are essentially the perfect protein, with all essential amino acids, plus other vital nutrients, like choline, which is essential for brain health," Largeman-Roth explained.



For quality protein, salmon packs quite a punch. "A 3-ounce serving of salmon contains 17g of protein," Largeman-Roth said. "The DHA omega-3 fats found in fatty fish, including salmon and tuna, are incredibly important for a child's developing brain. And most American kids (and adults) are not getting nearly enough!"



Whether it's on a sandwich or in a sushi roll, tuna is pretty amazing. This heart-healthy meal improves immunity and strengthens those growing bones.


Peanut Butter

"There's a reason why a PB&J is a kid classic. Not only is peanut butter delicious, it's also a great source of plant-based protein (8 grams per 2 tablespoons) and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats," Largeman-Roth continued. "Just make sure you choose one with no added sugars or oils."


Almonds/Almond Butter

For those with peanut allergies, almond butter is a great option. "Another great source of plant protein, almonds also contain vitamin E, magnesium, riboflavin, and calcium," she explained. "Rotate nut butters so your kids get the benefits of all the different types."



Don't let their size fool you, beans pack quite a punch. "Beans, dried peas, and lentils are the best plant source of protein and also contain high levels of fiber and other nutrients," Largeman-Roth told POPSUGAR.


Yogurt (Regular and Greek)

No need to feel guilty about a little yogurt. "A 5.3-ounce container of Greek yogurt contains 14g of protein, plus probiotics for gut health and calcium for growing bones," Largeman-Roth explained. "Also, yogurt is incredibly versatile, and can be used for breakfast, snacks, dips, and homemade frozen pops."


Lean Beef

Get ready to make some hamburgers! "Three ounces of beef contains 25g of protein, plus vitamins B6, B12, zinc, niacin and iron and choline," she revealed.


Cottage Cheese

A personal favorite, cottage cheese is a great way to sneak in some protein. "Creamy and versatile, cottage cheese is great for budding palates and contains 13g protein and 94mg of calcium per 4-ounce serving. It's delicious with fruit and makes a great addition to smoothies," Largeman-Roth advised.



"Packed with protein and vitamin B12, niacin, zinc, selenium, iron and riboflavin, lamb is a surprising kid favorite," Frances told POPSUGAR.

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