7 Days of Workouts to Ensure You Never Skip a Day

Jun 24 2018 - 3:00pm

There's a lot of things that can stand in the way of you getting to the gym, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on exercise. These 10-minute workouts can be done anywhere, anytime. We've put together seven of our favorite fitness videos, which means you won't go a single day without giving your body the love it deserves. From a fun dance-cardio party to some serious HIIT, we've got you covered for the next week. All you have to do is show up.

Note: if you find that you are too sore to do the plan laid out here, swap any of the videos out for this gentle yoga sequence [1] instead.

No Running Required: 10-Minute At-Home Cardio Sweat Session

You don't have to run to get a good cardio workout. We've rounded up all sorts of heart-pumping moves to help you sweat it out in the comfort of your living room. With no equipment needed, this quick workout is excuse-proof, too. Press play, and get ready to shred some calories.

Bye-Bye, Bra Bulge! Your 10-Minute Workout

No one move will make back fat disappear — decreasing the overall percentage of body fat is key for that. But keeping your upper back and the area around your shoulders toned and tight will help diminish that pesky bra bulge. Working this area will also improve your posture and can help decrease back fat. It's a win-win-win! Grab two sets of weights — a light one and a heavy one — and get ready to reshape your back.

10-Minute Jumping Workout to Burn Major Calories

Get ready to get your cardio on! This jumping workout is fast and furious and perfect for burning mega calories in a short amount of time. But don't worry — we offer modifications for every move so anyone can join in the fun. The workout doesn't require any equipment, either. So what are you waiting for? Press play and get at it!

10 Minutes to Your Flattest Belly Ever

You have to mix up your moves to get cut abs, and this 10-minute workout does just that. After a short warmup, be prepared to go all out with a core-focused circuit filled with plank and roll-up variations that will leave your abs burning. For a fun twist on the basic plank, we use towels for gliders to make those variations more challenging. You can use gliders if you have them, or if you are on carpet, opt for paper plates. Press play, and get ready to feel the burn.

Only got five minutes? Try this one: The Quickest Core Workout to Rock Your Crop Top [3].

Kick Out the Jams and Torch the Fat With This Dance Workout

Get your sexy on and burn some serious calories with PlyoJam [4], the fitness craze that combines dance moves with exploding plyometrics. Besides helping you to lose weight and tone your body, this workout is guaranteed to challenge your speed, agility, and balance while keeping a huge smile on your face.

The Best 10-Minute High-Intensity Workout

High-intensity interval training, aka HIIT, is one of the best ways to maximize your workout time. Burn a ton of calories and boost your metabolism in little time with celeb trainer Astrid Swan McGuire [5]'s full-body HIIT workout. It may be only 10 minutes long, but it will leave you dripping with sweat. There's no equipment needed for the workout, so press play and get at it!

Stay Flexible and Injury-Free With 10 Minutes of Stretching

Take some time to stretch out! Do a bit of cardio (jumping jacks, high knee, job in place) — say three to five minutes — then lengthen out your muscles.

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