Carve Your Core With 10 Minutes of Cardio

Nov 28 2018 - 5:30am

This workout does double duty: it works the abs with a serious dose of cardio. Multitasking by mixing bodyweight strength training with jumping plyo moves means you get more done in less time. This workout is only 10 minutes, so give it your all. Get ready to get at it!

Cardio Core Workout

Equipment needed: none

Directions: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat. Cool down with a few minutes of stretching (find inspiration here) [1].


Keep on reading for detailed explanations of each exercise.

High Knee Run

This cardio move is great for runners; it not only works the lower fibers of the abs, but it helps train for quick turnover in gait to increase speed.

Alternating Lunge and Kick

This is a great move for warming up the entire body. It's a dynamic stretch for both the hip flexors and the hamstrings.

Sumo to Standing Side Crunch

This combo works the glutes, almost as intensely as a plyometric move but without the impact, and the obliques nicely.

Mountain Climber

This move is essentially running in a plank position and really works your abs and arms and gets your heart rate up.

Cross Jacks

This jumping jack variation fires up the inner thighs in the best possible way.

Penguin Taps

Work your obliques with this lateral crunch — it should make you think of a penguin moving along in a flightless shuffle.

Plank Jack

The plank jack is a great cardio move; it raises the heart rate while working both your lower and upper body.

Elbow Plank With Alternating Knee Tap

The simple motion bringing one knee to the floor at a time works the lower part of the abs, and you will be surprised how it can make your abs burn. It's a great core stabilization exercise for runners, too.

Tuck Jump

Get your heart rate up and challenge your low abs with this energizing move.

Squat and Jab

Add a little spice to your squat by adding a jab into the mix, which brings a twisting motion to the exercise.

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