This 10-Minute Core Workout Will Leave Your Abs Worked

Dec 1 2018 - 4:55am

Give us 10 minutes and we will have you feeling your abs! Working your abs from a variety of angles with these 10 different exercises translates to a strong and tight core. And with no equipment needed, you can do this workout anywhere.

All-Abs Workout

Equipment needed: None.

Directions: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and then repeat one more time. Cool down with a few minutes of stretching (find inspiration here) [1].


Keep reading for detailed explanations and photos of each of the exercises.

Plank to Runner's Lunge

If you run, this stretch will feel great on the front of your hips.

Elbow Plank

This isometric exercise builds core strength and can help improve your posture too.

Seated Sidewinders

We love this twisting exercise to warm up the core and work the obliques.


Work your abs and spinal flexibility with this classic sit-up.

Side Plank Right

Side plank is great for activating the abs, especially the obliques.

Side Plank Left

It's normal for side plank to feel more challenging on one side compared to the other.

Seated Russian Twist

This is our go-to ab exercise since it works all four layers of the abdominal muscles [2].

Leg Flutters

You need to work your abs to stabilize your low back while criss-crossing your legs, which also works your inner thighs.

Push-Up to Side Plank

If you really focus on keeping your torso solid while doing a push-up, you will feel your abs kick in.


After all that ab work, it's important to work your back for balance.

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