8 Trainer-Recommended Isometric Ab Exercises to Light Up and Completely Exhaust Your Core

Aug 24 2019 - 4:35am

You do isometric ab exercises more often than you might realize, so these eight core-shaking examples ( all recommended by trainers!) will probably look pretty familiar. Isometric exercises [1] are moves that engage and challenge your working muscles without actually moving them; you contract or extend the muscle to get into the position and hold it there (sweating and panting). Or you move other muscles, like your legs in a hanging knee raise, while keeping your working muscles (your abs, in that case) strong and steady. That's a roundabout explanation to say that these kinds of moves are absolutely exhausting but also so effective.

Keep reading for the best isometric ab exercises, as recommended by trainers, that will have your core muscles quivering for as long as you can bear it.

Hollow Hold

The challenge of this tough static hold is to keep your lower back pressed against the ground the whole time, said Eric and Ryan Johnson, NSCA-certified trainers from Homage Fitness.

Hanging L-Sit Hold

This move challenges your core as well as your hamstring flexibility and the strength of your hip flexors, Eric and Ryan told POPSUGAR.

Ab Wheel Rollout Hold From Knees

Instead of rolling right back to the starting position, hold in your extended position in this rollout, Eric and Ryan said. You'll feel the burn all through your core.

Stir the Pot

Your arms are moving in this isometric exercise, but your core stays stable and still, making it a great isometric move. To make it even more difficult, Eric and Ryan recommended elevating your feet or using the ball to spell out your name!

Pallof Press

"This movement is great to teach you how to resist rotation with your obliques and do so while continuing to breathe in your stomach," Eric and Ryan told POPSUGAR.

Elbow Plank

We had to include the classic! "This is the movement from which most isometric core movements are built," said Tom Biggart, DPT, a physical therapist and athletic training and strength and conditioning coach at EBM Fitness Solutions [3]. "The key to succeeding at planks is a proper setup." If you have any discomfort in your lower back, he recommended dropping down to your knees [4].

Side Plank

"Oftentimes, simple is better," said Giancarlo Regni, ACSM, and Tyler Curtis, NSCA, of G-Strength [5]. The side plank, they said, is a simple effective isometric move that targets your obliques and helps to stabilize your lower back.

Hollow Body Rock

The hollow body rock takes a hollow hold and makes it even more challenging. Personal trainer Kyra Williams [6], NASM, said hollow body rocks will "help you fire your midline and increase your core strength."

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