You Want Strong and Sexy Legs? Here Are the Moves to Do

Jun 15 2018 - 8:40am

If strong is the new sexy, the best place to show off your strength is your legs. We've rounded up the best leg exercises that strengthen and tone without adding bulk to your thighs.

You can create your own workout with these exercises! Just select one move from each category, and after a quick cardio warmup [1], do the recommended reps for each exercise. Do at least two sets — but even better, do three — of the entire workout. Don't forget to stretch your hamstrings [2] and quads [3] to cool down.

Quads: Goblet Squat

To really work your legs to their full potential, you need to go low in your squats. This variation strengthens the entire leg and works the quads through a very large range of motion. The goblet squat can be done with or without weights, but either way you will be working your entire leg.

Quads: Wall Sit

It may not look like you're doing much — just leaning against a wall — but you'll really feel the burn in your thighs. This is a great move to prevent runner's knee [4], which affects more female runners than male. Plus, this exercise works the quad in a lengthened position to prevent the thigh from bulking up.

Quads: Twisted Chair Pose

Yoga is great for toning the thighs, and Chair Pose [5] does just that. Your thighs will burn after this move, also known as Fierce Pose. Like the wall sit, Chair Pose works your quads in a stretched position, and squeezing your legs together also gets the inner thighs. Adding the twist turns this pose into a multitasking move by working the abs too.

Hamstrings: Deadlifts

This move strengthens the entire back of your body and works more muscles than the basic squat [6]. Deadlifts also provide a nice stretch for the hamstring with every rep to keep the muscles on the back of your legs flexible and lean.

We recommend taking a quick Child's Pose [7] to stretch things out after a set of deadlifts; it gives a great release to your back body!

Hamstrings: Leg Balance Warrior 3

This yogic variation of the deadlift challenges the core with every rep. Even with one leg off the floor, both hamstrings work on every rep.

Hamstrings: Single-Leg Bridge

This bridge variation shapes and strengthens the back of the thigh in a concentrated way. Working one leg at a time ensures that your weaker leg has to pull its own weight and can help with any strength imbalances you may have.

Quads and Hamstrings: Step-Ups

This move is like a walking vertical lunge so it targets the entire leg, with the focus on the quads, glutes, and upper fibers of your hamstrings. Concentrating on the heel pressing into the step will ensure that the back of the leg works as much as the front.

Inner Thighs: Sumo Squat

This squat variation focuses the work on the inner thighs as you straighten your legs. You might even feel a bit of stretch at the bottom of the squat.

Inner Thighs: Gate Swings With Cross

This is a multitasking move that strengthens and stretches the inner thighs. Crossing your legs at the top of the gate swing ensures that your inner thighs are getting extra work!

Inner Thighs: Slider Side Lunge

This exercise works the legs and glutes, but as you slide your leg back to center, your inner thigh does all the work. You can use a Valslide [8] for this exercise, or a lid of a plastic container will work on carpet. Or wear socks and try it on a wood floor.

Outer Thigh: Basic Squat With Side Leg Lift

The outer thigh is a hard area to tone, but adding a leg lift to the basic squat will work the outer thigh and the glutes to tighten the saddle-bag area.

Outer Thigh: Curtsy Lunge

Adding the leg cross in this lunge variation focuses the work on the outer thighs and the glutes, giving a lift to the area.

Calves: Heel Raises

Don't forget your calves! Not only are you strengthening your calves with this simple exercise, but you're also challenging the muscles that support the ankle joint. If you wear high heels regularly, this is a great move to improve your stability.

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