35 Stretches Your Body Is Begging For

May 28 2018 - 5:00pm

Rest days, recovery, self-care . . . all things that are too often overlooked. We're here to tell you: don't skip the stretch! Stretching is essential for keeping your body healthy, preventing injury, and ensuring that you'll be in good shape for the next workout. After every workout, be sure to give the muscles you worked some TLC. If you're unsure where to start, let this be your guide!

Modified Hurdler Stretch

Note: This basic stretch is perfect for targeting one leg at a time and is great for those with really tight hamstrings.

Active Hamstring Stretch

Scissor Hamstring Stretch

Note: Safe for injured backs, this hamstring stretch is great if you're really tight.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Note: This is a good option if a traditional hamstring stretch is not deep enough for you. It's perfect for doing on a bench after a run in the park.

Seated Forward Bend

Reclined Hamstring Stretch

Forward Bend With Rounded Back

Note: This stretch targets both hamstrings as well as the lower back.

Standing Quad Stretch

Kneeling Quad Stretch

IT Band Stretch

IT Band Stretch

Standing Piriformis Stretch

Note: This is a standing variation of the yoga pose Pigeon [4], which targets the deep glutes.

Figure 4

Runner's Lunge

Lunge With Reach and Twist

Downward Dog

Wall Calf Stretch

Wall or Curb Stretch

Seated Calf Stretch

Soleus Stretch

Calf Stretch

Triceps Stretch

Standing Side Bend

Shoulder Stretch

Seated Heart Opener

Chest Opener With Forward Bend

Seated Neck Release

Seated Clasping Neck Stretch

Behind-the-Back Neck Stretch

Sumo With a Twist

Give your back and inner thighs some relief by adding a twist to your sumo squat.

Low-Back Stretch

Note: This is a quick way to relieve any tension in your low back.

Low-Back Release

Seated Twist

Lying Low-Back Twist

Child's Pose With Reach

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