Abs Are Made in the Kitchen, but Also With This Incredible 5-Move Workout

Dec 30 2018 - 9:50am

Ready for some tummy-toning, core-strengthening ab work? Let's work those muscles! MNT Studio [1] owner and founder Elaine Hayes created this do-anywhere, no-equipment workout just for you. It's simple (read: great for Pilates newbies!) but incredibly challenging (read: your abs are going to be on fire). With just five moves and a little space to move, you're going to put that midsection to work — and it also might hurt to laugh for the next few days. Get excited!


"This move tones your entire core and especially works the low abs," said Elaine. "Make sure your low back stays glued to the mat the entire time, especially as your straighten your legs. The lower your legs go, the harder this move is, so adjust as needed!"

Double Leg Lift

Elaine says that "this move is a killer! It will target the lowest, below-the-bellybutton abs." Some tips: "Keep your low back completely glued to the mat throughout this exercise, especially as you lower your legs; if you notice your back arching, don't lower your legs as low."

"If you have tight hip flexors and feel this in your hips, take a small bend in your knees and perform the move with bent knees. The lower you go, the harder — so you decide how low to go!"


Get ready for a six-pack! "This move tones your rectus abdominis (the six-pack muscles), as well as targeting the internal and external obliques," said Elaine. "As you rotate, think of pointing your opposite shoulder toward your opposite knee (as opposed to the elbow). Keep both shoulder blades off the mat throughout."

Mermaid Teaser

Another oblique burner, this sea siren move "challenges your coordination and balance," said Elaine. "The key to this move is to go slowly and breathe! Imagine a 'TA-DA' moment when you reach the top (think of lifting your chest proudly)."

A few more pointers: "To modify this move, you can bend your knees on the way up. This reduces the stress on the hips and low back. To advance, lift both arms up as you come into the move."

Side Plank Twist

Your whole side body and waist will get a strong burn from this one. "Make sure to keep lifting out of your bottom shoulder throughout the exercise," said Elaine. She suggests that "as you twist, imagine your waist is a wet washcloth and you're trying to squeeze every last drop out."

Tips for modifying or making it more challenging: "To modify, bend your top leg and create a 'kickstand' in front of your body to provide more support. To advance, hold a hand weight in your top hand (around 3-5 lbs.)."

Be Fabulous

And that's it! You're all done. "Now celebrate your new, strong, fabulous core!" Complete infinite reps.

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