These Are the Sneakers You've Been Seeing Britney Spears Wear All Year

Nov 25 2017 - 5:40pm

When she's not barefoot in a handstand [1] or wearing heels on stage, chances are you'll spot Britney Spears [2] wearing her bright teal and aqua Hoka One One sneakers. Sticking to her signature look at all times (typically short shorts, a sports bra, and her Hokas), she's weight training, hiking, dancing, and flowing through some Vinyasas, all in style.

Britney LOVES Her Hoka One Ones

They're the Clifton 3 sneaker [4], as far as we can tell (you can get the newer ones here [5]).

She Wears Them While Painting

Because comfort.

On a Hike With Her Honey? Wearing Hokas.

Staying Focused in the Gym?

We spy some Hokas [6].

Teaching Little Kids How to Dance?

Obviously wearing her go-to sneak [7].

Traveling and Working Out? She's Got Her Fave Shoes.

Doing a Twirl Outside? Yep.

They just bring her so much joy [8].

Wearing a Choker to the Gym?

Chokers go well with maximalist sneakers [9]. We learned this from Britney.

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