How a Mirror Helps This CrossFit Athlete Stay Motivated

May 26 2017 - 10:18am

Finding motivation to stay on the healthy path can be tough, but CrossFit star Christmas Abbott [1], author of the new book The Badass Life: 30 Amazing Days to a Lifetime of Great Habits — Body, Mind, and Spirit [2], has a tip that she uses to stay motivated every day, reminding her when she wakes up and again before she goes to bed.

Christmas told us in an email interview, "Create a MANTRA! And write it down on your mirror so you can see it every day and say it out loud. You can't just know your mantra; you have to speak it, breathe it, live it. It will help reinforce your efforts and help keep you on track."

Aside from a mantra to keep her inspired, Christmas says, "Another great tool I use is writing down my goals (small and GREAT) on the bathroom mirror underneath my mantra. This reminds me every day that I have work to do and a goal to achieve. When I reach a goal on the list, I don't erase it. I cross a line through it and put the date next to it. That helps me see that I did accomplish something on my list and that the others are possible. It creates a meaningful, daily motivation!"

So get out the Post-it's and Sharpies, lipstick, or window markers and write down a mantra that's meaningful to you. Also jot down one to five goals so every time you look in the mirror; you'll have that littler reminder to keep working hard and never give up!

Here are some mantra ideas:

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