All You Need Is 1 Dumbbell For These 20 Intense, Muscle-Building Moves

Dec 13 2018 - 7:30am

Get in an amazing workout by incorporating these unique strength-training moves — they only use one dumbbell. Some of these exercises work both sides of the body at once, while others target one side at a time, which may reveal which parts of your body are weakest. This will help to strengthen your body more efficiently and help prevent injury [1]. One-sided moves also require you to focus on your balance, which automatically fires up the muscles in your core and other stabilizing muscles. These moves are not intended for one workout; you should mix two or three into your regular strength training routing.

Goblet Squat

Overhead Triceps Extensions

Seated Russian Twist

Weighted Squat

High-to-Low Woodchop

Overhead Reach With Leg Lower

Side Plank With Reverse Fly

Dumbbell Swing

Plank With Row

Deep Squat With Overhead Reach

High Knees

Standing Side Bend


Sumo Squat Side Bends

Rotated Row

Overhead Circle

Side Lunge to Curtsy Squat

Low-to-High Woodchop

Single-Leg Touch

Single-Arm Chest Press

Working one arm at a time makes the core work more to stabilize your torso while you work your chest.

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