14 Simple Tricks to Debloat Instantly While on Vacation

Feb 1 2017 - 3:50am

There's a particular devastation that comes with working hard toward your own body goals, preparing yourself physically and emotionally for stripping down to a bikini, and then bloating for seemingly no reason at all — right as the time comes to hit the beach or pool. You look at yourself and think, "This isn't my body! What the heck!" Not only is it physically quite uncomfortable (and sometimes painful), but it can also make you exceptionally self-conscious when you're supposed to be feeling your most confident.

Fortunately, there are some simple quick fixes that can help you debloat and feel better to give you a confidence boost. A lot of it comes down to your diet and making easy swaps, but there are some hidden causes to bloating that may surprise you. Use these 14 bloating hacks to banish the puffiness and distention quickly.

Eat Fiber

Fiber is a natural digestion aid [4] that can help to push things through when you're backed up and bloated. Nosh on fibrous vegetables and fruits [5], add some chia to your breakfast smoothie, or make a chia pudding [6].

Practice Deep Breathing

Stress can also upset the balance of bacteria in your gut [7], causing bloating. Registered dietitians recommend practicing deep breathing and other stress-reducing activities to fight bloating [8].

Skip Sugar

Sugar is what the bacteria in your gut feeds on; the more they feed, the more gas they create, and voila — you're on the express lane to bloat town. Avoid added sugar [9] and curb your sweet tooth with fresh fruit [10], which is loaded with fiber to aid your digestion.

. . . And Dairy

Even if you're not lactose intolerant, dairy can be a trigger for bloating. Try swapping the cream in your coffee for almond (or cashew, coconut, or macadamia) milk, skip the cheese in your omelet, and opt for hearty salads, fresh fruit, and lean proteins with veggies.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics can seriously mitigate bloating [11]. Take probiotics first thing in the morning [12] — even when you're on vacation — every day! You can also get probiotics without supplements [13] in certain foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and probiotic drinks.

Try Turmeric

This ayurvedic herb is anti-inflammatory and can soothe your possibly inflamed digestive tract. Add it to juice or make a small batch of golden milk [14].

Drink Water

Another quick way to flush your system and keep things regular: load up on H2O. Staying hydrated is key to making sure your body doesn't retain too much extra water (a hallmark of dehydration, and a surefire way to feel puffy).

Try a Quick Debloating Yoga Sequence

Help ease your distended belly with some debloating yoga [15] or twisting poses [16] to stimulate your digestive tract.

Add In Ginger

Whether it's ginger tea [17], ginger candy, or fresh ginger in your juice or smoothie, this potent root can help soothe stomach woes.

Avoid Carbonation

Yes, we love La Croix [18] and bubbly cocktails on vacation, but these types of drinks add more air to your gut, exacerbating bloating [19] issues. Skip these and sip water instead.

Snack on Pineapple or Papaya

Pineapple and papaya each have enzymes that can help decrease bloat [20] — if you're vacationing somewhere tropical, it's just one more reason to reach for these tasty fruits.

Steer Clear of Sodium and Alcohol

A salty margarita might be the culprit for your bloating woes. Why? Sodium and alcohol [21] can increase your water retention, making you feel puffy and uncomfortable.

Make a Debloating Smoothie

Sip a fresh, frosty debloating smoothie [22] with multiple ingredients that are known to fight bloat all in one sweet sip.

Get Enough Sleep

Your metabolism is regulated in your sleep [23], so even if you're partying it up on vacation, make sure you're getting enough zzz's for your body to reset and your belly to debloat.

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