12 Ways to Add Protein to Your Smoothie, Without Protein Powder

Sep 11 2023 - 3:45pm

Young black woman preparing healthy protein smoothie in her kitchen

Smoothies are undeniably great. They make for a portable, lightning-fast meal that takes zero culinary prowess and can still taste incredible. Not to mention, the flavor options are pretty much endless.

But if you're whipping up a smoothie with the intention of it being a filling breakfast [1] or a post-workout snack [2], you'll need to make sure there's some protein in there. The nutrient is important for helping you recover from workouts and build new muscle, as well as keep you full until your next mealtime rolls around. Depending on your body, lifestyle, and goals, you need anywhere from 50-175 grams of protein per day [3].

To get enough protein in your smoothie, you might feel like protein powder is non-negotiable — but that's absolutely not the case. You don't need to use protein powder to make a high-protein smoothie or one that'll leave you satisfied. After all, protein powders can be pricey, and it's hard to know exactly what you're getting in any supplement product you buy. (Dietary supplements aren't closely regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so there's no way to know if a protein powder contains what brands claim. Even more worrisome, research has found that many protein powders contain toxins with links to cancer and other health conditions, per Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publishing [4].)

The good news is that there are plenty of nutritious and inexpensive whole-food sources of protein you can easily add to your smoothie. Better yet, they either don't distract from the flavor of the fruits (or whatever else you're blending) or add a delicious extra element (hey, peanut butter!).

Grab your blender [5]: to inspire your next smoothie, we've listed lots of ingredients that serve as the ideal protein addition for smoothies. Even better, you probably have some of these in your pantry already.

Ingredients to Add Protein to Smoothies

— Additional reporting by Lauren Mazzo

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