Mar 21 2019 - 4:40pm

Strawberries 'N' Cream Protein Smoothie

Dominique Astorino, POPSUGAR Fitness


This recipe uses So Delicious unsweetened vanilla coconut milk. Substitute dairy, almond milk, or any plant-based milk alternative to adjust based on dietary and taste preferences.


  1. 8 frozen strawberries
    1/2 frozen banana
    1 cup cottage cheese (low-fat optional)
    1/4 cup vanilla unsweetened coconut milk
    1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 teaspoon honey
    2 teaspoons chia seeds


  1. First, add cottage cheese, coconut milk (or substitute), honey, and vanilla extract to a blender. This is to ensure the honey is smoothly blended, and doesn't harden from the frozen fruit.
  2. Once the "cream" base has been created, add in the frozen fruit, and blend on high until smooth. Add additional coconut milk (or substitute) to thin it out, if necessary.
  3. Add chia seeds last, either stirring or blending in, depending on preference. Enjoy immediately for a frosty breakfast treat, snack, post-workout shake, or dessert.


Calories per serving

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