Making This 1 Change to Her Workouts Helped Jamie Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle

Sep 18 2018 - 4:23pm

There was a time when trainer and fitness instructor Jamie Glassman would teach 15 SoulCycle classes in a week along with cross-training at Barry's Bootcamp. Jamie recalls how fatigued, sluggish, and uncomfortable in her skin she felt, and she knew she needed to make some changes to her lifestyle. Unhappy with how she looked, Jamie decided to teach fewer classes and began to implement strength training [1] into her routine. Jamie's goal wasn't to lose a ton of weight — she simply wanted to look and feel stronger [2]. Continue reading for Jamie's full story as told to POPSUGAR.

Jamie on What Motivated Her to Lose Weight and How She Did It

POPSUGAR: What made you embark on your weight-loss journey?
Jamie Glassman: I was working out a lot as a fitness instructor and personal trainer, but I really wasn't seeing the results I was so desperately looking for with my fitness routine.

PS: How much weight have you lost to date and how long did it take?
JG: I've only lost about six pounds, but I've lost a lot of body fat and built lean muscle.

PS: How did you lose the weight?
JG: I now coach for a program that focuses on 30-minute interval and strength-training workouts [4] you can do from anywhere (your home, the gym, while traveling). The workouts go by really fast, and they are really efficient.

Jamie on Nutrition

PS: Did you follow a specific diet to help you lose weight?
JG: I follow a simple portion-controlled meal plan, which tells me how much of each food group I should be eating every day. I don't restrict myself at all.

PS: What does a typical day of eating look like for you?

I need to eat every few hours, so I try to prepare healthy veggies to snack on all day.

PS: Does your diet change on the days you work out?
JG: Not really, since it [the workout] is only 30 minutes a day. If I'm doing more than that, I will adjust my diet and eat a lot more food.

PS: Do you count calories? Why or why not?
JG: I don't count calories. That used to drive me crazy, and not all calories are created equal.

Jamie on Nonscale Victories

PS: What are some nonscale victories you've experienced?
JS: None of my clothes fit me anymore! I was really uncomfortable last Summer with my body and I wanted to hide in my clothes. This Summer, it feels great to feel confident in a bathing suit or put on my favorite dress and run out the door. It feels good to feel good.

Jamie on Staying Motivated

PS: What has been the most challenging aspect about your weight-loss journey? How did you overcome it?
JG: My mindset. We're so conditioned to think food is the enemy and that we should be eating less to lose weight. It was the opposite for me. I was working out excessively and not properly fueling my body. I was always exhausted and didn't want to eat because I thought it would make me gain weight. I really needed to educate myself and change the way I thought about food.

PS: What keeps you motivated?
JG: My clients, my team, and my boyfriend. When we take care of ourselves, we can take care of other people. Making myself and my goals a priority has changed my life. It's helped me find my true passion, strengthen my relationship, and helped me find more confidence than ever before.

PS: Do you have any advice or tips for people on their own journey?
JG: Stay consistent and put your goals or your why in front of you every single day. Don't give yourself the option to quit. If you keep going every single day, you will make the progress you're looking for!

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