This 20-Minute Tabata Workout Is All About Blasting That Booty!

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

You might be surprised to know that CrossFit isn't just about lifting heavy-ass weights and flipping tires! Sometimes it incorporates high-intensity Tabata-style workouts. Tabata involves structuring your workout into 20 seconds of pushing yourself hard, followed by 10 seconds of rest, and repeating that eight times for a total of four minutes. These workouts are so versatile because you can practically choose any exercise to do for those 20 seconds, and as long as you push your pace, you'll get in a heart-pumping, butt-kicking workout.

This Tabata workout is all about "blasting that booty," as CrossFit coach Sefton Hirsch of Champlain Valley CrossFit so lovingly says. It incorporates lunges and deadlifts, two of his favorite butt-busting moves.

Tabata Butt Workout

Directions: Complete each four-minute Tabata below. Use an appropriate-size dumbbell, or skip the dumbbells altogether. Move through all five Tabatas without any rest if you can, or take a one-minute rest between each if you need to.

Tabata 1

20 seconds squat jacks, 10 seconds rest
20 seconds air squats, 10 seconds rest
Repeat four times for a total of four minutes

Tabata 2

20 seconds dumbbell thrusters, 10 seconds rest
20 seconds alternating dumbbell reverse lunges, 10 seconds rest
Repeat four times for a total of four minutes

Tabata 3

20 seconds sumo-squat jumps, 10 seconds rest
20 seconds burpees, 10 seconds rest
Repeat four times for a total of four minutes

Tabata 4

20 seconds kettlebell swings, 10 seconds rest
20 seconds single-leg kettlebell deadlifts, 10 seconds rest
Repeat four times for a total of four minutes

Tabata 5

20 seconds lunge jumps, 10 seconds rest
20 seconds side skaters, 10 seconds rest
Repeat four times for a total of four minutes

Read on to learn how to do each move correctly.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock

Squat Jack

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly turned out, in a deep squat. Put your arms in a "goal post" position, with your elbows bent and close to your thighs.
  • Jump up explosively, bringing your feet together and clapping your hands above your head. Keep your core engaged.
  • Complete three sets of 10 reps.
POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman

Air Squat

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and make sure they are parallel or that your toes are slightly turned out.
  • Bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply. Bring your thighs parallel to the floor and bend the elbows, keeping weight back in your heels.
  • Rise back up, straightening the legs completely, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Push the pace and complete as many reps as you can in 20 seconds. Take a 10-second rest.
  • Get ready to pick up your set of dumbbells.
POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman

Dumbbell Thruster

  • Stand with your legs just slightly wider than hip distance apart, arms raised to shoulder height with elbows bent, holding weights by your ears.
  • Bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping weight on your heels.
  • Press the dumbbells overhead as you straighten your knees to return to standing.
  • Keep going for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
POPSUGAR Photography

Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

  • Stand with your feet together, holding a dumbbell in each hand, either by your sides or with bent elbows, as shown in the photo.
  • Put weight into your left foot and step the right foot back into a lunge position so both knees are at 90-degree angles, with the back knee just barely touching the floor.
  • Step the right foot forward.
  • Lunge the left foot back, then step it forward.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Complete as many alternating reverse lunges as you can for 20 seconds. Put the weights down and take a 10-second rest.
POPSUGAR Photography

Sumo-Squat Jump

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly turned out, arms resting on your hips.
  • Bend your knees and plié, then jump up explosively. Keep your core engaged.
  • Land with control, lowering your body back into the squat position to complete one rep.
  • Complete as many reps as you can in 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
POPSUGAR Photography


  • Lower into a crouching squat with your hands on the floor.
  • Do a squat thrust by jumping your feet back into a plank position.
  • Do one basic push-up, bending the elbows and then straightening back to plank.
  • Jump the feet forward to the hands and come into a squat.
  • Do an explosive jump straight up, getting as much height as you can.
  • This counts as one rep. Perform as many burpees as you can for 20 seconds. Then take a much-needed 10-second rest.
  • Get ready to pick up a kettlebell or one dumbbell.


  • Stand with your feet wider than hip width apart, toes slightly pointing out. Squat down and pick up a kettlebell with both hands. Allow it to hang between your legs. If you don't have a kettlebell, use a dumbbell instead.
  • With a flat back and your core engaged, inhale to bend the knees and push your butt back. The weight should be back in the heels so your knees are in line with your toes.
  • Keep your abs strong and the arms straight. On an exhale, press into your feet, squeezing the legs and glutes as you aggressively explode up, extending through your hips and legs to stand, which drives the kettlebell overhead. If you have mobility issues in the shoulders or lower back or an injury, do a Russian kettlebell swing instead, where the bell only raises to shoulder height.
  • Inhale, and — with control — come back to the starting position, allowing the kettlebell to swing back between your legs.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 20 seconds of kettlebell swings, then rest for 10 seconds.

Single-Leg Deadlift With Kettlebell

  • Hold a kettlebell (between 10 and 20 pounds) in your right hand and lift your left foot slightly off the ground. If you don't have a kettlebell, use a dumbbell instead.
  • Keeping your back neutral, lean your entire torso forward while raising your left leg, which should stay in line with your body. The kettlebell will lower toward the ground. Keep your left shoulder blade pulled down your back.
  • With your back straight, return upright, coming to your starting position. This completes one rep.
  • Repeat on one side for 20 seconds. Put the weight down and rest for 10 seconds.

Note: The next time you perform this move, do 20 seconds on the other side, then rest for 10 seconds.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock

Lunge Jumps

  • Stand with your feet together and your knees soft.
  • Jump and come into a lunge with your left leg forward.
  • Push off with both feet, jumping them together, then hopping into a lunge with your right leg in front.
  • Jump your feet back together to complete one rep.
  • Keep going for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Side Skater

  • Start in a small squat.
  • Jump sideways to the left, landing on your left leg.
  • Bring your right leg behind to your left ankle, and don't let it touch the floor.
  • Reverse direction by jumping to the right with your right leg.
  • This completes one rep.
  • Keep alternating for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
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