Buh-Bye, Extra Pounds — This Is the Ultimate Workout For Weight Loss

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To get the best results, you need to use the best exercises. We've got your top eight weight-loss moves, which you can add to your current workouts or put together for a full-fledged workout. Each exercise is a compound and dynamic movement so you have no doubt you're going to maximize the amount of calories burned. Since you'll be working at a higher intensity, you'll also see a short-term boost in your metabolism for up to 48 hours. Burning extra calories even when you're in your pajamas during a late-night TV binge is ideal for quick and sustainable weight loss. You only need space and a pair of light dumbbells for these moves.

These exercises for weight loss were curated by Youfit Health Club's national director of fitness, Raphael Konforti. Konforti recommends performing these moves circuit style (doing one exercise after another) for three to five rounds, resting only as needed throughout.

The magic of a circuit like this one is that you can do it whenever you're in the mood to get your sweat on. Our best advice is to do at least three rounds every day. You can do them in succession or split them up throughout the day if that makes it more convenient for you. You can also do more than five rounds every day, but be sure to get plenty of rest and hydration! Pair this circuit with a high-quality and healthy diet, and you'll be well on your way.

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Skip Lunge

Ready to take flight? The skipping lunge targets every part of your lower body, adds a balance challenge, and ups the ante with a plyometric finish to get your heart rate going. That's a lot for just one exercise, but that's why it works so well.

Konforti's form tip:

  • Step back with your left leg into a reverse lunge.
  • Then lift yourself back up, using the right leg while driving the left knee up. Either add a hop with the right leg or keep it on the ground for a low-impact version.
  • Repeat this for 30 seconds on your right leg, then switch legs and keep going for another 30 seconds.
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Squat Jump

You can't beat a classic. Squat jumps have been and always will be your BFF move for weight loss.

Konforti's form tip:

  • Take a shoulder-width stance, with your hands at chest height.
  • Sit back, keeping your knees in line with your toes, then explosively jump up as you extend your hands to the sky.
  • Land softly through your toes, then heels. Either add a pause at the bottom of your squat for strength or keep the movement continuous to drive up the intensity. For an extra challenge, add in a slight twist as you jump up, alternating directions each rep and eventually building up to a full 180-degree rotation.
  • Complete this exercise for 45 seconds.
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Plank With Row

Not every weight-loss exercise needs to move at a fast pace. According to Konforti, exercises that engage a lot of muscles at the same time get the sweat going, even if it doesn't look like you're going all out. Adding a row to the plank forces your whole body to work and stay tight, so there's no need to bounce around all out.

Konforti's form tip:

  • Start in a push-up position, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Slowly pull your right hand up until the dumbbell touches your ribs. The key is to keep the rest of your body as still as possible by tightening your legs, core, and arms.
  • Reverse the motion and lower the dumbbell back to starting position, then repeat with the opposite arm. Once you can stay balanced for a whole set, challenge yourself by lifting up your opposite leg as you row. So as you lift your right hand, lift your left leg off the ground.
  • Complete this exercise for 45 seconds total.
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    Up-Down Plank

    Plank up-downs are guaranteed to tighten and strengthen your underarms.

    Konforti's form tip:

    • Start in a push-up position.
    • Lower your right elbow to the ground, then your left, so you're in an elbow plank.
    • Place your right hand underneath your shoulder and press up as you do the same with your left hand, returning to a push-up position. Repeat and alternate which arm you start the motion with.
    • Complete this exercise for 45 seconds.
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    Bear Crawl

    Time to get on the ground and unleash your inner animal. Who knew that crawling around was so tough yet effective? You won't look at crawling babies the same way after this exercise.

    Konforti's form tip:

    • Start on the ground in a push-up position, with your knees underneath your hips but hovering off the ground.
    • At the same time, bring forward your opposite hand and knee, alternating the motion to move forward. Be sure to keep your hips level with your shoulders throughout.
    • Crawl for five yards, then reverse the motion, crawling backwards to your starting spot.
    • Repeat this three times.
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    You didn't think we'd forget about this gem of an exercise, did you? Nothing says weight loss like a round of burpees. Konforti explained that burpees are so effective at burning calories because they require you to move your entire body continuously. The more you're moving, the more you're burning.

    Konforti's form tip:

    • Start standing, then squat down, placing your hands on the ground and stepping or kicking your legs back into a plank position.
    • Either add a push-up or hop your legs up between your feet.
    • With power, jump up, lifting your arms overhead. If you want to take it up another notch, add a tuck jump at the end by bringing both of your knees up.
    • Complete this exercise for 45 seconds.
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    Jumping Jacks

    Jumping jacks get your whole body moving and have plenty of versatility. There are a lot of ways to have fun with jumping jacks that don't bring up uniformed workouts in your middle school gym class.

    Konforti's form tip:

    • Jump your legs out as you bring your hands overhead, then jump back to standing.
    • Or, instead of your run-of-the-mill jumping jacks, spice them up with a more dynamic version that can help you burn even more calories. With each jumping jack, cross your legs, alternating which leg goes in front while also keeping your arms at chest height and crossing them. If you're really feeling up for a challenge, add in a squat as you hop your legs out. It's effective and much more entertaining.
    • Complete this exercise for 45 seconds.
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    Breakdancer Kick

    Think about the last time you went dancing — like, really dancing. Remember how sweaty you got? While you might not have been throwing down any breakdances, this old-school move will kick-start weight loss in no time.

    Konforti's form tip:

    • Start in a push-up position, with your knees off the floor.
    • Lift your left hand and right leg up, then pivot on your left foot to the left, kicking your right leg through and bringing your left arm to your chest.
    • Swing your hips back and place your left hand and right foot back on the floor.
    • Reverse the motion, kicking your left leg to the opposite side. The best way to change your intensity is with speed. To build up confidence with this move, start by keeping both hands on the ground and alternate kicking your legs in each direction.
    • Complete this exercise for 45 seconds.
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