If Today Is Arm Day, Here Are 59 of the Most Effective Moves You Can Do

POPSUGAR Photography | Diggy Lloyd

Add these moves to your strength training routine to sculpt and strengthen your arms and upper back. Some involve dumbbells and some use just your own bodyweight, but they all target and tone your upper body. As a bonus, a bunch of these moves also work your lower body and core at the same time! Arm Day, look out!


Bicep Curl and Overhead Press

  • Stand with your feet directly under your hips, holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing out. Bend the elbows, bringing the weights to your shoulders, performing a bicep curl.
  • Stabilize your torso and keep your arms moving upward, straightening the arms above you, performing an overhead press with the palms facing out.
  • Bend the elbows, coming back to the end of your bicep curl, then straighten the arms coming back to the starting position to complete one rep.

Lateral Arm Raises

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand so your palms face in toward the sides of your body.
  • Start with the right side first. With control, keep your arm straight (but don't lock that elbow), and as you inhale, raise your right hand up toward the ceiling. You want your palm to be facing down and your arm to be parallel to the floor.
  • Then as you exhale, slowly lower your hand back to your body. You should be able to see your hand in your peripheral vision; your arm isn't directly out to the side, but slightly forward.
  • Do the same move with your left arm.
  • Then do both your right and left arms at the same time. This counts as one rep.
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Dumbbell Thrusters

  • Stand with your legs just slightly wider than hip-distance apart, arms raised to shoulder height with elbows bent, holding weights by your ears.
  • Bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping weight on your heels.
  • Press the dumbbells overhead as you straighten your knees to return to standing.

Overhead Triceps Extensions

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
  • Hold one dumbbell (go for your heavier weight) with both hands, bending the elbows behind your head.
  • Straighten your arms to lift the dumbbell into the air and then slowly bend the arms to lower. This counts as one rep.

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with the knees slightly bent. Keeping your back flat, bend forward at the hip joint.
  • Exhale and lift both arms to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Then, with control, lower the dumbbells back toward the ground. This completes one rep.

Bent-Over Row

  • Lean forward and bend both knees, remembering to keep a flat back.
  • Extend your arms so they are straight. Lift the dumbbells straight up to chest level, squeezing your shoulder blades together as you do. Be sure to keep your elbows in and pointed upward. Don't arch your back.
  • Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position to complete one rep.

Elbow Plank

  • Start on the floor, resting on your forearms and knees.
  • Step your feet out one at a time, coming into a plank position.
  • Contract your abs to prevent your booty from sticking up or sinking. Your spine should be parallel to the floor, with your abs pulling toward the ceiling.


  • Lie face down on your stomach with arms and legs extended. Keep your neck in a neutral position.
  • Keeping your arms and legs straight (but not locked) and torso stationary, simultaneously lift your arms and legs up toward the ceiling to form an elongated U shape with your body — back arching and arms and legs several inches off the floor.
  • Hold for two to five seconds and lower back down to complete one rep.

Side Plank

  • Sit on your left side with your legs slightly bent and your feet stacked.
  • Place your left hand about 12 inches from your pelvis.
  • Push your hand into the ground and straighten your legs as you lift your pelvis off the ground. If you have trouble balancing, stagger your feet so the top leg is in front.

Triceps Dips

  • Position your hands shoulder-width apart on a secured bench or stable chair.
  • Move your booty in front of the bench, with your legs bent and feet placed about hip-width apart on the floor.
  • Straighten out your arms, and keep a little bend in your elbows in order to always keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints.
  • Now slowly bend at your elbows and lower your upper body down toward the floor until your arms are at about a 90-degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the bench.
  • Once you reach the bottom of the movement, slowly press off with your hands and push yourself straight back up to the starting position.
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Side Plank With Weight

  • Start in a side plank on your left side, holding a dumbbell in your right hand with your right arm parallel to the floor.
  • Exhale and pull your abs toward your spine to stabilize your torso as your raise your right arm to the ceiling. Do not let your hand travel behind your shoulder. Lower the weight back to the starting position to complete one rep. Squeeze your inner thighs together for added stability.
  • If you feel wobbly in this position, split your legs, bringing your right foot forward.
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Plank Side Walk

  • Begin in plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders, body in one straight line.
  • Simultaneously cross your right hand over your left as you step your left foot to the left. Then simultaneously step your left hand and right foot to the left, so you're back in plank position. Your hands move together as your feet step apart.
  • Repeat this for five steps to the left and five steps to the right to complete a rep. Be sure to keep the hips low as you move, drawing the navel toward the spine.

Basic Push-Up

  • Start in a plank position with your arms and legs straight, shoulders above your wrists.
  • Take a breath in, and as you exhale, bend your elbows out to the sides and lower your chest toward the ground. Stop as soon as your shoulders are in line with your elbows. Inhale to straighten the arms. This counts as one rep.
  • If this is too difficult, do this exercise with your knees on the floor.

The Bicep-and-Deltoid Squeeze

  • Sit cross-legged on the floor and hold your weights. Lift up your arms and extend them to your side, palms facing forward and elbows bent at 90 degrees. Keep your shoulders down and your wrists in line with your elbows.
  • Rotate your arms so your elbows are moving to meet each other in front of you. They should be perpendicular to your shoulders. Keep your muscles engaged, and move back to starting position.
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Elevated Push-Up

  • Start in plank position, placing your palms on a stable surface like a wall, chair, kitchen counter, back of couch, or bench. Keep your arms and legs straight with weight on your toes, shoulders above the wrists, and core engaged.
  • Take a breath in, and as you exhale, bend your elbows out to the sides and lower your torso in one piece (it's common to leave your pelvis behind, aka sticking your butt out) toward your hands. Stop when your shoulders are in line with your elbows. Inhale and straighten your arms to return to your starting position. This counts as one rep.
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One-Legged Push-Up

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Extend your left leg behind you so it's parallel with the floor. Engage your abs.
  • With your leg extended, bend your elbows, lowering your torso toward the floor while keeping your left heel in line with your left hip.
  • Straighten your elbows to push yourself away from the floor, completing one rep.

Upright Row

  • Stand with your feet hip distance apart, and place a dumbbell in each hand. Your closed palms should be facing your body. The shoulders should be over your pelvis, with knees slightly bent.
  • Keeping the dumbbells close to your body, raise them to your shoulders, bending your elbows out to the sides.
  • Slowly lower them to the starting position. This counts as one rep.
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Chaturanga Push-Up

  • Start in a plank position with your arms and legs straight, shoulders above the wrists.
  • Keeping your upper arms parallel, bend your elbows, lowering your chest until your shoulders are in line with your elbows. The elbows should touch your ribcage.
  • Inhale to straighten the arms. This counts as one rep.
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Up-Down Plank

  • Begin in a full plank. Lower your right elbow to the mat and then your left, coming into an elbow plank.
  • Put your right hand on the mat, and straighten your right elbow. Do the same on the left to return to a full plank.
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Down Dog Push-Up

  • Begin in a Downward Dog but on your elbows instead of your hands. Exhale, and press hands into the mat to straighten your elbows. Pull your navel up toward your spine to move the pelvis up and back, coming into a Down Dog.
  • Inhale and lower your elbows gently back to the mat to complete one rep.

Diamond Push-Up

  • Begin in plank position. Place your hands together, directly under your sternum, with the tips of your index fingers and thumbs touching. Your fingers and thumbs should form a diamond or triangle shape.
  • After an inhale, exhale to bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the floor.
  • Inhale to straighten the arms.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • If this is too difficult, try separating your hands a couple inches or widening your feet slightly. Still too hard? Then lower the knees to the ground.
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T Push-Up

  • Begin in plank position.
  • Bend your elbows lowering into a push-up.
  • Straighten your arms and lift your right arm toward the ceiling, twisting into a side plank to make a T shape with your body.
  • Rotate back to plank, placing your right palm on the floor to lower into a push-up.
  • This time as you straighten your arms, rotate to the left lifting the left arm up. Return to plank to complete one rep.

Asymmetrical Push-Up

  • Begin in a plank, then lower your left elbow to the ground, with your forearm crossing under your chest. From this position, bend your right elbow, lowering your body to the mat. Use your abs to keep your torso in one piece as you come to the floor.
  • Exhale as you straighten your right elbow to return to the starting position. This completes one rep.

Spider-Man Push-Up

  • Start in a traditional plank position, with your hands under your shoulders and your body in one straight line.
  • Bend your elbows out to the side to lower your torso toward the floor, and bring your left knee forward to touch it to your left elbow.
  • As you straighten your arms, return to plank position, bringing your left foot next to your right; then repeat this move on the other side. This counts as one rep.
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Push-Up With Alternating Lunges

  • Begin in plank position.
  • Do one push-up, bending and straightening the elbows.
  • With straight arms, step your left foot forward to the outside of your left hand. Look up and press your pelvis slightly forward to increase the stretch in your right hip flexor. Step your left foot back and do another push-up.
  • Step your right foot forward to the outside of your right hand to stretch your left hip. This completes one rep.

Skull Crushers

  • Grab a set of dumbbells, and start by lying on your back with the knees bent.
  • With one dumbbell in each hand, raise your arms so they are above your chest, making sure your elbows are straight but not locked.
  • Slowly lower both arms toward your head, bending your elbows to 90 degrees as the dumbbells reach the mat. Aim to lower your dumbbells so they are on either side of your head, elbows bent and pressing in toward your head.
  • Lift your arms back to starting position. This is one rep.

Plyo Push-Up Prep

  • Start in a plank on your knees. Move your left hand out to the side, then bend both elbows lowering your torso toward the mat. Straighten your arms to return to plank. This completes one rep.
  • Switch your hands, bringing in the left hand while stepping the right hand wide — this is where you should try jumping off your hands. Perform a push-up. This completes one rep.
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One Arm Med-Ball Push-Up

  • Start in a plank position with your left hand on a medicine ball.
  • Keeping your torso square to the floor, perform a push-up by bending and straightening both arms. If a traditional push-up is too challenging, lower your knees to the floor.
  • Roll the ball to the right hand and do another push-up. This completes one rep.
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Side-to-Side BOSU Push-Ups

  • Place a BOSU on the floor, flat side down. Come into plank position with both hands on top of the BOSU.
  • Step the left hand onto the floor and lower into a push-up. As you straighten your arms, bring your left hand back onto the BOSU.
  • Repeat on the other side, placing the right hand onto the floor as you lower into a push-up; return the right hand onto the BOSU while straightening your arms. This counts as one rep.
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BOSU Push-Up With a Twist

  • Place a BOSU on the floor, ball-side down. Don't have a BOSU? You can do this variation without one too.
  • Start in plank position with your hands at the edges of the BOSU. Bend your right knee, twist your torso to bring the knee a few inches behind your left arm, lifting the leg as high as you can. Return to plank position, and do a push-up.
  • Switch sides and bend your left knee. Twist your torso, bringing your knee behind your right arm.
  • Return to plank position for another push-up. This counts as one rep.
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Feet on Medicine Ball Push-Up

  • Begin in plank position with you toes resting on a medicine ball.
  • Keeping the core engaged, bend and straighten your arms to complete a push-up.

Plank Jacks

  • Begin in plank position with your feet together. Keep your upper body stable and engage your abs.
  • Begin doing jumping jacks with your legs. Hop them wide, then hop them together. Jump as quickly as you want.
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Backbend Push-Ups

  • Lie on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground, hips-width distance apart. Keep your heels as close to your butt as possible.
  • Bend your elbows and place your palms flat on the ground above your shoulders, fingertips facing your feet.
  • Inhale, press into your palms and lift your head and shoulders off the ground, placing the crown of your head on the mat. Check to make sure your hands and feet are parallel.
  • Take a deep inhale as you straighten your arms and lift your head off the ground, coming into a backbend. Try to walk your hands and feet a little closer together — this will make it easier to do push-ups in this position.
  • As you exhale, bend your elbows and lower the top of your head toward the floor, stopping before it touches. Then inhale to straighten your arms, coming back into the wheel position to complete one rep.

Elbow Plank With Donkey Kick

  • From elbow plank position, bend your right knee, flex your heel, and press your foot up toward the ceiling without moving your pelvis. Lower the bent leg slightly to complete a rep.

Plank Row

  • Start in a plank position with your legs wider than hip distance; the wider stance makes you more stable. Hold onto your dumbbells, keeping your wrist locked to protect the joint.
  • With your core tight and your glutes engaged, exhale, stabilizing your torso as you lift your left elbow to row; feel your left shoulder blade sliding toward your spine as you bend your elbow up toward the ceiling.
  • Keeping your neck long and energized, return the weight to the ground, and repeat the movement on your right side to complete one rep.
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Plank With Lateral Arm Reach

  • Start in a plank position.
  • Keeping your torso stable, slowly reach your left arm out to your side. Brace through the abs by pulling your navel to your spine. Hold this position for five seconds. If you feel too unstable, try moving your right hand so it is under the center of your chest rather than under shoulder right shoulder.
  • Keeping your torso stable, bring your arm back to the plank position. Do not round your back or twist your spine.
  • Repeat this same motion on the other side, extending your right arm to your side. This counts as one rep.
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Side Elbow Plank

  • Begin by lying on your side. Bring your right elbow directly under your right shoulder. Engage your core, press your right elbow into the floor, and rise into side elbow plank.
  • Stagger your feet so your left foot is just in front your right or stack the heels.
  • Reach your left arm up toward the ceiling, which will help you lift your waist.
  • Hold for 30 to 60 seconds to complete one rep.
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Side Plank Dips

  • Begin in a side elbow plank on your right side with your heels stacked.
  • Inhale and lower your pelvis to the floor, so your right hip hovers just off the floor.
  • Exhale and press up through your right waist to lift your pelvis and return to side plank. Pull your right shoulder blade down your back to stabilize your shoulder.
  • This counts as one rep.
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Side Plank March

  • Come into an elbow plank on the right side. Your feet should be staggered with the foot of the top leg in back.
  • Bring your bottom knee toward your chest and hold for two seconds. Place your foot on the ground and raise your top knee toward your chest and hold once again for two seconds before returning to the starting position.
  • Do not sway forward or backward or let the rib cage sag while marching in this position. This completes one rep.
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Side Plank Crunch

  • Begin in a side elbow plank with your left forearm on the floor and your right hand behind your head.
  • Keeping your torso stable and your waist lifted, bring your right knee up toward your shoulder to lightly tap your right elbow.
  • Lengthen your right leg back to the starting position to complete one rep.
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Side Plank Leg Lift

  • Come into a side elbow plank on the right side with your flexed feet stacked. Rest your top hand on your upper hip or extend it into the air.
  • Keeping your spine lengthened and your abs engaged, lift your left leg up just higher than your top hip.
  • Then slowly lower it back to your bottom leg to complete the rep.
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Elbow Plank With a Twist

  • Start in side elbow plank on your right side with your feet stacked.
  • Place your left arm behind your head and inhale to prepare.
  • Exhale, engage the deep abs, and rotate your left rib cage toward the floor, bringing your left elbow to your right hand. Hold this a moment, twisting further to deepen your abdominal connection by pulling your navel in toward your spine.
  • Return to the starting position to complete one rep.
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Star Plank

  • Come into a side plank on the right side. Flex both feet and lift your left arm straight in the air.
  • Keeping your spine lengthened and your abs engaged, lift your left leg up as high as you can without letting your waist sink to the ground.
  • Then slowly lower your right leg back to the starting position to complete the rep.
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Plank With Creepy Crawler

  • In a plank position, bring your left knee to your left elbow. Then return the left leg back to the plank position. Repeat this action on the right side to complete one rep.
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  • Begin in a plank position. Jump your feet to the outside of your hands, coming into a deep squat and keeping your hands on the floor.
  • Jump your feet back to a plank.
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Plank With Alternating Shoulder and Knee Tap

  • Begin in a plank variation with your feet slightly wider than your hips.
  • Bring your right hand to your left shoulder, then place that hand back on the mat. Bring your left hand to your right shoulder and return it to the mat.
  • Bring your right knee and your left hand toward one another under your body. Return to a plank, and switch sides so your left knee meets your right hand.
  • This competes one rep.
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Reverse Lunge With Bicep Curl

  • Begin with your feet together, holding dumbbells at your sides.
  • Step your right foot back into a deep lunge as you bend your elbows, bringing weights to your shoulders for the bicep curl. Make sure your left knee is directly over your ankle, and bend your right knee so it almost touches the floor.
  • Focus on your left glute as you step your right foot forward to return to the starting position, lowering weights back to your sides. Repeat, lunging the left foot back. This counts as one rep.

Bicep Curl With Side Lunge

  • Holding a pair of dumbbells, stand with your feet and knees together. Perform a bicep curl by bending your elbows to bring the weights to your shoulders
  • Lower your arms toward the floor as you take a large step to the left with your left foot, lunging toward the floor. Make sure your left knee does not extend past your toes, and keep your right leg relatively straight.
  • As you push off through your left foot to return to standing, perform a bicep curl.
  • Repeat on the other side to complete one rep.

Bridge With Chest Press

  • Start on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-distance apart. Holding weights by your chest.
  • Squeeze your glutes as you push your pelvis toward the ceiling, coming into a bridge. Keep your ribs aligned with your pelvis.
  • Holding the bridge, press the weights to the ceiling directly above your shoulders.
  • Bend the elbows out wide, and lower the weights to complete the rep.

Sumo Squat With Bicep Curls

  • Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands with your arms straight and your palms facing away from you. Step your feet apart so there's about 20 inches between your heels. Point your toes out slightly.
  • When you're ready, bend your knees and elbows at the same time. Keep your shoulders over your hips, and lower down so your weight is back in your heels. Then straighten your legs and arms. This is one repetition.

Single-Leg Scarecrow

  • Stand on your left leg, and lift your right knee up until it is level with your hip. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, raise your arms out to the side until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees.
  • Maintaining a strong sense of balance, rotate your upper arms forward to bring your fists to the floor; then rotate the upper arm backward to bring the fists up. Do not lower or raise your upper arms; keep them parallel to the floor. This completes one rep.

Pilates Boxer

  • Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Bend your elbows behind you, keeping your upper arms even with your back.
  • Bend your knees to come into a half squat while creasing at your hips so your spine is almost parallel to the floor. Keep your spine neutral with the pelvis and head forming one long line.
  • As you exhale, simultaneously extend your right arm straight out in front of you and the left arm straight behind you. Rotate both wrists so your front palm is down and your back palm is up.
  • With control, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This completes one rep.

Reverse Lunge and Press

  • Stand with your feet together, holding the weights at your shoulders with your palms facing out.
  • Step your left foot back coming into a lunge, making 90-degree angles with your front and back knee.
  • Push off your left foot, bringing your left knee forward so it is even with your left hip, while raising your arms above your head. Do this motion with control.
  • Without touching the floor with your left foot, step back into the lunge to start your second rep.

Skull Crushers

  • Grab a set of dumbbells, and start by lying on your back with the knees bent.
  • With one dumbbell in each hand, raise your arms so they are above your chest, making sure your elbows are straight but not locked.
  • Slowly lower both arms toward your head, bending your elbows to 90 degrees as the dumbbells reach the mat. Aim to lower your dumbbells so they are on either side of your head, elbows bent and pressing in toward your head.
  • Lift your arms back to starting position. This is one rep.
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Lying Chest Fly

  • Lie on your back with your hips and knees both at 90-degree angles. Using your low abs, press your lower back into the mat. Raise your arms toward the ceiling, palms facing each other, keeping the elbow joint slightly bent.
  • Keeping your torso stable, open your arms out to the sides until your elbows are about two inches from the floor.
  • Raise your arms back to the ceiling, bringing the weights together over your chest. This counts as one rep.

20-Minute Flat-Belly and Toned-Arms Workout

We like to think of this workout as a two-for-one! We're going to work your abs and arms with a bunch of multitasking moves that target both areas and more.

Here's a printable PDF version of the workout so you can take it to the gym.

The Ultimate Arm and Shoulder Video Workout

Not only will this strength-training workout target the arms, chest, shoulders, and back, but it will also challenge your core and balance.

10-Minute Workout to Tone the Arms

Here's a 10-minute workout to tone your arms with extra focus on the triceps.

Shadow-Boxing Workout For Seriously Toned Abs & Arms

Follow along with the video above as fitness trainer and all-around girl crush Olivia Amato takes us through her workout.

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