5 Tips For Easily Debloating Overnight

Pexels | Bruce Mars

It happens to the best of us — whether it's due to that rich, delicious restaurant meal last night or the lovely side effects that accompany our periods, we wake up bloated. It's especially miserable to be bloated on a day when we're headed to the beach or have a special event that requires getting dressed up (and heaven help us if we got a form-fitting outfit for the occasion). Luckily, there are tips and tricks that can help us debloat overnight, and some of them even prevent, or at least minimize, bloating in the first place. Here's what nutritionists have to say about how to debloat and wake up feeling ready to tackle whatever it is you have planned for the day.


Eat Slowly and Take Breaks

When we're really hungry or a meal is just really hitting the spot, it's easy to down it way more quickly than we planned. Jenni Bourque and Mirna Sharafeddine, registered holistic nutritionists and founders of The Naughty Nutritionists, told POPSUGAR that eating slowly and taking breaks is key to avoiding that dreaded morning bloat. "Your stomach and G.I. tract need time to digest and break down food," they explained. "If you fill your stomach too fast, it can lead to bloating, and if you don't give time for the food to pass through, your stomach can also become distressed."


Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is super important, especially during the Summer months — and drinking lots of H20 is also a tried and true way to reduce bloating. "The more diuretics you can get into your body, the better you will feel when you wake up," Bourque and Sharafeddine said. "You may end up using the washroom a few times overnight, but it will help with the detox process and to flush out unwanted bacteria."

They also recommended drinking peppermint or fennel tea before bed. Peppermint and fennel are both digestive herbs that have been used to treat bloating, gas, and cramps. Like water, they act as diuretics. "The theory is that they smooth your gastrointestinal muscles, causing relaxation," they explained.


Don't Skip Meals

Nutritionist, personal trainer, fitness chef, and wellness expert Ashley Walter emphasized the importance of not skipping meals, because this is one of the quickest ways to wind up waking up bloated. "Always eat three well-portioned and balanced meals without skipping, and without eating to eat and packing it all in at one meal," Walter advised. "So many clients skip breakfast, [and] binge at lunch or late afternoon, then regret it and either skip dinner or do another binge."

Instead, Walter recommends starting with a light breakfast, making a fiber-and protein-filled feast for lunch, and sticking to paleo foods rather than carbs in the evening.


Get Plenty of Shuteye

Unfortunately, we live in a culture that often glamorizes fast-paced lifestyles, and foregoing sleep is seen as something to be admired. Not getting enough rest is unhealthy in myriad ways, and it contributes to bloating. "If you don't get high quality sleep, then your body has not had time to recharge and reboot for the next day," Walter told POPSUGAR. "If you're tired, then your insides are tired, too, and things are not going to work efficiently or effectively."


Keep Your Alcohol Intake to a Minimum

We all know that alcohol adds calories to our daily intake, but it's also a major culprit when it comes to bloating. "They call it a beer gut for a reason," Christy Brissette, media dietitian and president of 80 Twenty Nutrition told POPSUGAR. "Drinking too much alcohol causes bloating and can do a number on your digestion."

If you're looking for a quick way to look less bloated, Brissette recommends cutting out alcohol entirely for a few days. "Although we all love a beer or a mixed drink on a Friday night, those liquid calories can add up and can cause you to quickly gain a few pounds over the weekend," she said. Instead, stick to eating your calories rather than drinking them.


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