21 Self-Care Tips That Will Make This Your Best Summer Yet


Ah, Summer. 'Tis the season for vacations, pool days, barbecues, and . . . self-care. Don't get me wrong — self-care should be a year-round priority, but what better time to check in with your needs than Summer? It's the perfect opportunity to take advantage of longer days to do you. In the upcoming months, make an effort to give your life new meaning by finding ways to feel more fulfilled and healthy. To help you get started, see 21 ideas ahead!


Spend time by the water.

Being by the ocean, lake, or even pool has shown to have benefits for your health and overall well-being. It helps you reach a mildly meditative state called "blue mind," which induces feelings of calm, unity, and happiness.


Visit your local farmers market.

A Summer activity that encourages healthy eating? We can get on board with that. Take full advantage of your area's local produce, and invite friends to join you for a postshopping picnic.


Do absolutely nothing.

When was the last time you ditched your phone to just kick back and relax? Free yourself of any distractions and take some time to reflect in a serene setting.


Find a new hobby.

Discovering your next passion project can provide a sense of rejuvenation. Think about any activities you've been putting off. Is it a cooking class or coding boot camp? If you can't decide, take this time to try a variety of things to see what piques your interest.



Sweating it out regularly is as important for your mental health as it is for your physical health. Keep your stress in check and get strong at the same time. If the gym isn't for you, experiment with different classes and workouts to find something you truly enjoy doing.


Go to a concert.

A study conducted by UK music and entertainment venue O2 and Goldsmiths University Associate Lecturer Patrick Fagan found that attending shows regularly can boost your life expectancy. Better yet, results showed that just 20 minutes of live music doubled "feelings of well-being" compared to the effects of yoga.


Make sleep a priority.

Many of us may view sleep as a burden, but it's actually the foundation to good overall health. Not getting enough shut-eye affects your mental clarity, weight, stress levels, physical health, and mood. Instead of feeling guilty about taking a midday nap, do it for your health.


Turn work off when you get home.

If your job allows for it, do it. Separating your work life from your personal life is easier said than done, but it can benefit your health tremendously. At the very least, cut yourself off from emails by a certain time every night.


Get a checkup.

Got a day off? Squeeze in that dentist appointment or health checkup that you've been delaying for so long. Routine maintenance will help you prevent more serious issues down the road and give you peace of mind that you're in good health.



Exposing yourself to new people and different cultures and parts of the world can be a life-changing experience. Travel has shown to make us happier than owning material things and even getting engaged. Booking that trip might just be exactly the refresher you need.


Cook a healthy meal with Summer produce.

Instead of dining out, invite your friends over to cook and catch up over a home-cooked meal. Cooking has a way of bringing people together, so take this time to nourish both your body and soul.


Read an inspiring book.

Sometimes when we're in a rut, all we need is a spark of inspiration. Whether you're looking for a career change, a new skill to develop, or a little self-help, visit your favorite bookstore for some guidance.


Spend time with friends and/or family.

A multigenerational study that began at Harvard in the 1930s determined quality relationships as the secret to a healthy and happy life. Loneliness does in fact seem to kill, so give your friendships and relationships as much love as possible.


Spend time outdoors.

Whether you go on a scenic hike or have a picnic in the park, getting fresh air will do the mind and body good. Immersing yourself in nature can also provide a new perspective, so opt for outdoor hangouts the next time you and your friends make plans.


Volunteer for a cause you're passionate about.

This is one area of self-care that's often overlooked. Finding a volunteer opportunity you actually care about will provide more sense of fulfillment than volunteering for the sake of doing it. Select an organization or cause you have a personal or emotional tie to.


Summer-clean your entire home.

Freeing your living space of clutter will help you feel less overwhelmed when you're coming home at the end of a stressful day. Purge your closet and drawers of items you can donate, and give every inch of your place a much-needed refresh. It'll feel so damn satisfying.


Create a vision board.

Setting goals and laying out a future game plan are in fact ways to take care of yourself. Doing so will help you prioritize what's most important in the present and give you some direction.


Check in with yourself.

Don't forget to take a step back and figure out where you stand emotionally, physically, spiritually, psychologically, etc. Whether it's stress or anxiety, listen to the clues to get a pulse on how you're feeling.


Go on a social-media detox.

Commit to staying off of social media for a minimum of 24 hours to give yourself a much-needed break. You may even notice an improvement in your mood without having certain people to trigger you. By the end of your detox, go back and unfollow everyone who brings negativity into your life.



Laughing is about more than feeling good in the moment; it can actually benefit your health in unexpected ways as well. It can help reduce stress, relieve pain, and even boost your immune system. What's even better than laughing is doing it with those you love.


Take time to unplug.

Spend some time alone, away from your devices. It'll feel amazing to detach from the digital world for once and focus on yourself.

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