What Experts Really Think About the Biggest Wellness Trends of 2019

Unsplash | Christin Hume

There's so much more to a healthy lifestyle than following a consistent exercise routine and eating a balanced diet. In fact, this year it became clear that there are many different paths that can help get you in the best shape of your life, physically and mentally. Here, experts share the biggest wellness trends of 2019, from the latest in diets and fitness to natural remedies for stress and pain. Read on to find out what bubbled up time and time again and if you should really buy into the trends or let them fade away in the new year.

Intermittent Fasting

There have been a lot of claims about intermittent fasting, including that it can lower blood pressure, improve metabolism, and reduce inflammation, often while helping you shed pounds. "It's suggested that intermittent fasting can improve your immune system and body function at a base level, but we're keeping a close eye on this as the data is not clear at this point," Greg Burrell, MD, director of medicine at Carbon Health, told POPSUGAR.

Whether you decide to try a time-restricted method, in which you simply narrow your eating window each day, or a plan that involves eating fewer calories for whole days at a time, Dr. Burrell recommends talking to your doctor to ensure it's a healthy choice for you.


According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, meditation is the fastest-growing health trend in the US, and for good reason. "Meditation can improve psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhance overall health and well-being," Seema Sarin, MD, of EHE Health, told POPSUGAR. And you don't have to look far to get in on this movement, thanks to the rise of guided apps that can help you de-stress and be more mindful.


While the jury is still out on how effective CBD products are, cannabidiol is increasingly used to treat insomnia, migraines, and so much more. "There's no doubt that CBD products have boomed this past year," Janette Nesheiwat, MD, a family and emergency medicine physician in New York City, told POPSUGAR. "This does not necessarily mean it has incredible health benefits for you, but many have found that the usage of CBD products has relieved muscle aches, joint pain, and anxiety."

Genetic Testing

"Not long ago, genetic testing was only done at specialized research centers and laboratories for a select population," Dr. Sarin said. "Now the general public has access to thousands of genetic tests. We are seeing more and more companies embrace this concept in the field of wellness." While genetic testing can have benefits, such as detecting the risk of certain cancers, too much information can sometimes present its own issues. Imagine the panic you might feel when you forget something, knowing that you're predisposed to Alzheimer's, or the questions you might have about what (and how much) to share with the rest of your family. Genetic testing can be empowering, but it's wise to carefully consider your options.

The Keto Diet

Once again, the keto diet was one of the year's biggest trends. The appeal? "Eating healthy fats, proteins, and a very low amount of carbs can help you lose weight and decrease your risk of [weight-related] problems like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol," Dr. Nesheiwat said. But it's not quite as clear-cut as that. The clinical evidence on keto is minimal, and if you don't pick the right fats and proteins, you could be doing more harm than good. Experts have expressed concern that too many saturated fats on keto could actually raise your cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease.

Because the keto diet is still so new, it's hard to say how it might affect your overall health or if it's a realistic solution for long-term weight loss. That's why it's important to talk to your doctor before you start keto to make sure it's the right move for you.

Virtual Fitness

"Convenience and price are always important factors when starting a new exercise regimen," Dr. Sarin said. "Bringing personal training or a gym environment to our homes has been a way to improve access to the population. Live-streaming classes, interactive workout equipment, and fitness apps make it easy to get active from the comfort of your home." A number of brands made serious strides in at-home workouts this year, and that's a trend that's likely to continue in 2020.

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