Watch Out, Oreos! Trader Joe's Just Released Matcha Joe-Joe's

May 28 2017 - 6:05pm

Next on the list of new May products at Trader Joe's [1] is something we can all get behind — a new Joe-Joe's cookie flavor: matcha [2] ($3)! TJ's sandwiches vanilla cream made with real matcha green tea powder in between two golden biscuit cookies. I thought they tasted exactly like Trefoil Girl Scout Cookies with a crumbly texture and buttery flavor. The cream filling has a silky, buttercream-like texture and bright green color, reminiscent of this year's Pantone color [3]. That said, the matcha flavor doesn't really reveal itself. There's a slight grassy aftertaste, but it doesn't hit you hard like other matcha products (the new matcha ice cream [4], for instance). That said, people who don't like matcha loved the subtlety. These cookies are damn near perfection, and we're hoping this means more Joe-Joe's special-edition flavors are in our future!

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