We Tried Cameron Diaz's Lemony Pasta Recipe, and Now It's Going Into Permanent Rotation

Final Dish
POPSUGAR | Maeve Reilly

My roommates and I are always looking for new ways to spice up our traditional pasta and red sauce. Pasta is usually our default dinner when we haven't really planned anything, and while we try new sauces, spice combinations, and veggie and meat add-ins, our recipes are still pretty basic. Luckily, Cameron Diaz took us into her home on avaline's Instagram, the page for her and Katherine Power's vegan wine brand. She celebrated National Pasta Month and showed how to make her lemony, garlicky, cheesy pasta — her comfort dish she makes when her husband is out of town and a great dish to pair with Avaline white wine.

I made this dish and could not get enough. The entire process was delightful and it was the perfect light pasta dinner on a chilly, fall night. When a dish is made from lemon, garlic, cheese, oil, and butter, what could really go wrong? Boil some pasta, chop and sizzle ingredients, and be sad you don't have any leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

POPSUGAR | Maeve Reilly
POPSUGAR | Maeve Reilly
POPSUGAR | Maeve Reilly
POPSUGAR | Maeve Reilly
POPSUGAR | Maeve Reilly
POPSUGAR | Maeve Reilly

Cameron Diaz's Garlicky Lemony Cheesy Pasta Recipe

Prep Time15-20 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes



    • 1 package of pasta
    • 1 head of garlic
    • 1 cup of Parmesan cheese
    • 4 tablespoons of butter
    • 3-5 lemons, juiced
    • 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
    • Flaky salt


    1. Boil salted water and add pasta. Cook until al dente, remove 1 cup of pasta water, and drain.

    2. Juice lemons.

    3. Peel and chop garlic.

    4. Heat olive oil on medium heat in saucepan. Reduce heat and add garlic and butter.

    5. Layer in salt and lemon juice.

    6. Transfer drained pasta into saucepan.

    7. Add in cheese and pasta water slowly to form the sauce.

    8. Continue to mix cheese, butter, salt, and lemon to your liking.

    9. Serve, devour, repeat!


    Cheese and butter can be replaced with vegan options like plant-based butter and nutritional yeast.
