Thanksgiving's About to Get Awkward: Shut It Down

Nov 27 2014 - 11:00am

Source: ABC [1]

As much as everyone loooves Thanksgiving, it can have its pitfalls. Namely, annoying family members who want to be all up in your business. Doesn't matter if you're single or taken — they will pry about everything from your weight to your professional life. Prepare yourself with the worst questions to expect and how to dish back some snappy responses.

Q: How is it that you're still single?

Source: Universal Pictures [2]

A: Well, I'm in love with Ryan Gosling [3], and he's currently taken, soooo . . .

Q: Have you gained weight?

Source: Film District [4]

A: I'm so glad you noticed! Excuse me while I grab my second slice of pie.

Q: What are you doing with your life?

Source: Universal Pictures [5]

A: Umm, it's called a quarter-life crisis.

Q: What happened to the guy you brought last Thanksgiving?

Source: NBC [6]

A: Take a wild guess.

Q: When are you getting engaged?

Source: Fox [7]

A: I keep wondering the same thing. JK. Who cares? Pass the stuffing.

Q: When are you going to start having kids? The clock's ticking, you know!

Source: Show Studio [8]

A: I'm going to pretend you didn't just ask me that.

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