Are You the Clean Boo or the Dirty Boo?

Aziz Ansari's Netflix original [1] series, Master of None [2], cleverly addresses the circuitous nuances of everyday racism and sexism, stereotyping, and monogamy in 10 too-short episodes. The show's first season introduced viewers to a unique set of slang and terminology [3] that's quickly slipped into common conversation and started a discussion among a generation hinging on the fear of being a "jack of all trades, master of none."

On a lighter note, Aziz and the show's cocreator, Alan Yang, helped drive the diagnosis of "the dirty boo," or the person in the relationship who is the messier partner, and "the clean boo," naturally the cleaner partner. The distinction has implications for billions of couples worldwide. If you're the clean boo, you've probably been picking up the clutter for a while, but you could be the dirty boo and not even know it. There's only one way to find out.

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