Harry Potter Characters Are Reimagined in Amazing Fan Art

Oct 26 2017 - 6:00am

With the release of fully illustrated Harry Potter [1] books, we are in a Potter-art-loving tizzy. After gushing over the beautiful images of the first two illustrated books in the series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [2] and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [3], we sought out some fan-made illustrations — mostly from DeviantArt [4] — that rival the professionals'. No one knows and loves the wizarding world quite like die-hard Potterheads, so we weren't surprised to find some breathtaking artwork that has us reminiscing about events in the books and movies as well as reimagining relationships and scenes with a new perspective.

James and Sirius

"James and Sirius outside their first apartment together."

Snape and Lily

Harry at Hogwarts

Snape's Patronus

Professor McGonagall

Dumbledore and the Room of Requirement

Luna Lovegood

Snape's Mirror of Erised

Harry and the Snitch

First Year Hermione Granger

Harry Potter Faces

Harry and Dumbledore Hunting Horcruxes

Harry and Ginny Quidditch Win

Hermione Granger and Bellatrix Lestrange

Young Trio

Young Lily Evans and James Potter

Morsmordre Spell

Harry and the Resurrection Stone

Young Molly and Arthur Weasley

Harry and Dumbledore in the Cave

Cho Chang

Expecto Patronum

Harry and Malfoy

Sirius Black Escape on Buckbeak

Inside Hogwarts

Harry Potter and Prongs

Young Severus Snape and Lily Evans

Luna Lovegood

Dementor's Kiss

Dumbledore's Army

Draco Malfoy

Creeping Through the Castle

Diagon Alley

Harry Playing Quidditch

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy

Dobby and His Socks

Goblet of Fire Graveyard Scene

Harry and Ginny

Ginny Weasley

Harry Potter and the Dursleys

Lily and James in Their Seventh Year at Hogwarts

The Order of the Phoenix

Professor Quirrell

Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange

Harry Potter Fan Art Book Cover

Luna Lovegood

Merope Gaunt, Voldemort's Mother

Harry Potter Clan

Harry and Ginny

Polyjuice Potion

Snape and Ghost Lily Potter

Final Fight Scene of Deathly Hallows

Teenage Arthur and Molly


Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood

Hermione Granger and Her Books

The Burrow

Luna Lovegood and the Quibbler

Harry and a Dementor

Ron Rescues the Sword of Gryffindor

James Potter and Sirius Black

Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley

Remus Lupin and Sirius Black

Studying Magic at 4 Privet Drive

Voldemort and the Elder Wand

Charm Casting

Harry Potter and the Mountain Troll

Fred's Death

Ron and Crookshanks

Seventh Floor Corridor at Hogwarts

All-Nighter With the Trio

Prongs and Harry

Kreacher's Tale

George's Mirror of Erised

Harry and Hedwig

Marauder's Map

Hagrid and Harry

Ron, Hermione, and Harry

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