Written in the Stars: Check Out Your Summer 2020 Love Horoscope!

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Summer is here, and love is in the air . . . or is it? Thanks to some major transits in the sky, summer 2020 is bringing a whole lot of drama to everyone's love lives. If you thought Mercury retrograde was bad, how about three retrogrades at once?! According to Narayana Montúfar, the senior astrologer for Astrology.com and Horoscope.com, this summer "features three big retrogrades with Venus, Mercury, and Neptune." This collaboration will be "having us reexamine our heart's desires and relationships at a very deep level." Engagement doubts, perhaps?

But that's not all. This summer is also the beginning of eclipse season, with major eclipses happening on June 21 and July 4. "Eclipse season will also be in full force, bringing significant endings and new beginnings through mid-July," said Montúfar. "It will not be until late July that we will feel the playfulness of summer in full effect as the sun in Leo arrives to warm things up with its fiery, dramatic flair."

To see what kind of summer lovin' you can expect for your sign, keep reading.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may not be the best listener, but is there something in your relationship that needs your attention? "This summer is about slowing down and really listening as Mercury retrograde in Cancer brings some communication issues to the forefront of your mind," Montúfar said. "When things don't go your way, instead of pushing your agenda, it's best to take a chill pill and opt to revisit the issue later."


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Whew, your phone will be blowing up with summer sweethearts thanks to your ruling planet, Venus, spending time in flirty Gemini. "You might have more dating options than you know what to do with," said Montúfar. "It could be fun for sure, but as Venus retrogrades in the same sign, expect to receive a valuable lesson about the most important relationship you have — the one with yourself."


Gemini (May 3-June 20)

Venus is moving through your sweet and charming sign, Gemini. While this may be exciting, it may also be the cause of a potential breakup (eek!). Because Venus spends most of the summer here (and retrogrades here), "you're in for a valuable lesson about both love and self-love." According to Montúfar, "If you happen to be involved in a relationship that no longer serves you, be prepared to kiss it goodbye and move on with your life."


Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Oh, boy. Those eclipses happening in your sign are about to transform your relationship in a way that you least expect. "This has been a big year for you, and the summer will not be any different with eclipses happening in your sign," said Montúfar. "You are growing, and as you shed your old skin, you can expect your company to change as well. The good news is that you are learning your worth, which will only set you up for a better dating life postsummer."


Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

"Mars in Aries might be bringing more than enough dating options your way, but be careful," Montúfar warned. "Don't burn yourself out!" Being a Leo, you're a natural summer baby, and the sun will enter your sign on July 22. This "puts you in the spotlight, but before that, it would be wise to spend some time reflecting. What is it that you really want, Leo? The answer might be more than revealing."


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Mercury is your ruling planet, and it's retrograding in soft, sweet Cancer. "This might have a very emotional tone for you when it comes to relationships in general," said Montúfar. "And although it might feel uncomfortable to feel so much at once, giving yourself the opportunity to go within will allow you to figure out who to keep around and who not to keep around."


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

What's coming your way? "Endless dating possibilities," according to Montúfar, thanks to "your ruler Venus in versatile and slick Gemini." Unfortunately, there may be a slight blip in the road in June. "As Mars enters your opposite sign on June 27, conflicts could arise in the love department," said Montúfar. "Instead of avoiding confrontation, use the tension to break through to a whole new level of personal space and freedom."


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

As a Scorpio, you're ruled by Mars, and as your ruler enters Aries on June 27, you'll become supertuned in to what you want. "You're ready to put in place those legendary Scorpio moves to lure your crush in," hinted Montúfar. "However, be ready for some surprises as the Leo sun challenges Uranus in Taurus on Aug. 2, when a powerful adversary could come out of nowhere!"


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Time to let loose this summer, Sagittarius. "This year has been about self-mastery with your sign's ruler Jupiter in Capricorn," said Montúfar. "However, as sexy Venus spends time in your opposite sign, relationships are your greatest teachers this summer. And fortunately, your lessons are to keep an open mind and not take yourself too seriously!"


Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19)

A bit of advice, Capricorns: buckle up. "As Mercury retrograde and three eclipses inundate your seventh house of relationships, you're in for a very transformative summer," said Montúfar. "When change is the name of the game, knowing how to go with the flow is key, as is letting go." Know that whatever love you have to let go this summer, it's all for the best.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Saturn jumping back into your sign is going to put a halt to any love sparks this summer. "But as someone exits your sign on July 1, you are given a little more breathing room to do what you like the most: play," Montúfar said. "Enjoy it while it lasts, as Saturn will return to your sign later in the year."


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're one to feel pretty much everything, Pisces, but according to Montúfar, this summer will bring out those feelings even more. "All of the three summer retrogrades highly influence your sensitive sign," she said. "The big lesson is to stay true to your nature while depending less on others. You're on the right track — the more you keep showing up as your authentic self, the more genuine the people you attract will be!"

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