What's Written in the Stars For You This Month? Check Out Your June Love Horoscope

Pexels | Jasmine Carter

June marks the start of summer, and with that comes feelings of summer flings, romantic beach dates, and lazy nights under the stars. But before you get too ahead of yourself, let's take a look at all the love surprises the planets have for us. POPSUGAR spoke to Laura Brown, love horoscope astrologer for Sunsigns.com and founder of Intuitive Alchemy, for all the details on what your love life can expect this month. "June is going to feel like one of those rides at the amusement park that you can't wait to get on, and yet, are simultaneously scared to death of it," she said. "We have two eclipses, six planets in retrograde, and summer solstice, all packed in 30 short days."

But here's more. "The most significant retrograde is Venus — especially with it traveling the wheel with the North Node," Laura said. What does that mean? "Relationships are going to feel like they're in a pressure cooker, and only those who are meant to go the long haul are going to make it through this transit." Perhaps a bit wild and disruptive, keep reading to see what June has in store for you.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're finally trying to open up in the romance department, but things might get a little muddy this month. According to Brown, "You're trying hard to speak from the heart, but it would seem that bae is just not having it. It's like talking to a brick wall." Still, that doesn't mean you should put up your own walls.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

"This month feels like every wound you've had is coming to the surface to say 'hi' and asking for your attention," Brown said. Unfortunately, your technique to avoid emotions at all costs isn't going to work here. "You have no choice but to face all of this."


Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Things are getting a little messy for you this month. "While you may be ready to take things to the next level with bae," Brown said, "they could be sending some mixed messages." Maybe it's time to be honest about where you see things going in order to get on the same page.


Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Big moves are happening for you, and we're talking, like, actually moving! "You and bae may make the jump to living together this month, Cancer, and while this is great, it's going to come with its own bag of tricks," Brown said. "Expect some growing pains, and take things slow and steady."


Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Uh-oh, there may be some trouble in paradise on the horizon for you this month. "It would appear that your honey bun has been taking more than they've been giving, and you're no longer here for it," Brown explained. "And in true Leo fashion, you go out with a bang." This might mean having a disagreement or deciding it's time to move on.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This month, it's time to start thinking more about yourself. "Stop giving so much, sweet Virgo," Brown said, adding that you might be trying a little too hard to win others over. "People give more when there's no expectation around it."


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Things are shaking up in your house of home, meaning if you're living with your partner or thinking about it, things could get a little iffy. "Even if you're not living with bae but the idea comes up, wait a little bit before taking the leap," Brown warned.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You love secrets, but this time, a secret's been dropped on you in the romantic department, and it might not be a great one. "Whatever it is, try to take it in stride and remember your strength and your pride," Brown said.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You might want to tread carefully this month. "Things easily could go nuclear between you and bae," Brown said, and this is because you wear your feelings on your sleeve. "It may be best to spend some time alone rather than face the drama."


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

According to Brown, "This month, you're going to struggle between the major breakthroughs taking place in your career and your personal relationships." She recommended it might be best to just ask your partner to be patient with you while you work through these changes.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

"While you're not one for drama, you are highly competitive," Brown explained. But with all the energy in the sky, things could go from playful to ugly in a heartbeat. "Make sure this month things don't go from competitive to downright nasty as you each seek to be on top. There are much better ways to play that game." Long story short: play nice with each other.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're very giving, Pisces. However, you may be giving a little too much to your partner right now. "You're coming to your peak of what you will tolerate," Brown said. "You may not have your bags packed quite yet, but you're pretty close, Pisces. Think long and hard, but go if you feel it's necessary."

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